Thursday, April 3, 2008

Happy Birthday, Zac!

Those of you that know Zac well realize this is a week late. Sorry, honey. I really wanted to post this sooner...
Happy Birthday!
Zac is seriously one of the most gifted and talented people I know. Really. I am not just saying that because he is my husband. He can sing your socks off--any kind of music you want, opera, pop, worship music. He is becoming really good at the guitar (electric and acoustic). He writes all kinds of music for all kinds of instruments, and it's really amazing. He is so wonderful at his job that people are knocking on his door all day asking for request from him (sing here, speak there, teach this, etc). He preached a sermon at church a few weeks ago that people are still talking about weeks later. And when he preaches, it's like he's been doing it for years. He can discuss theology and philospophy and politics with grace, and knowledge because he really does know what he is talking about. He wants to get a Ph.D. in a million different fields because he is passionate about so many things (and good at them) that he just can't seem to narrow it down!
If he reads this, he will want me to note that God deserves all of the glory for this. And he does. He created an amazing creation in Zac and I know Zac's biggest desire is to see his giftings used for the glory of God. He is really very humble about this but I can brag about him because I'm his wife.
On the homefront, parenting may not come as naturally to him, he never was really a "kid person". But he loves ours SO much. He is growing more every day in this area and the boys are very blessed to have Zac as their dad. He makes them laugh, he disciplines them consistently, he takes them exploring outside and at Home Depot, he does Wrestlemania with them on the bed, and he will get up in the middle of the night to replace pacifiers in the mouths of those who are crying.
So, on this day (in honor of his birthday last week) I want to say how much I love you, husband! Here's to many more years, Lord willing!

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