Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Another life!

Yes, I stepped back into one of my former lives this afternoon for a bit. It was weird. A few weeks ago a lady who is a good friend of ours at church asked if I would play with her for a doubles tennis match this afternoon since they needed a sub. She knew I used to play and thought it would be fun for me to get out (how kind of her:!). Apparently Zac even said he would babysit (which he didn't--someone else came). My first reactions were these:

1. Oh, I don't play tennis anymore.
2. I'm blind in one eye now--I think that makes tennis difficult.
3. I'm pregnant. What if I throw up on the court (I didn't, just about did afterwards though).

But, I'm a sucker and since I thought I had babysitting lined up, I figured I might as well give it a try. was fun! Besides the fact that I completely missed several of the balls on my left side, it was okay. Things came back to me and it felt good to do something so un-mommyish. I couldn't help but think it's weird that I used to spend 25+ hours a week very competitively playing this game and I've played probably 4 times in the 7 years since then. Life just kind of got in the way but I realize that I've missed it! Things came back to me and with some practice, I could probably get back into the swing of things. When the boys get a bit older, and I have this baby, I might try to do it some more!

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