Monday, September 28, 2009

Not much blogging going on around here lately...I'm trying to get us into our fall routine and it's taking a bit more than I imagined. I am on a new house cleaning schedule where I do two big things a day and by the end of the week, everything is clean (except the things I did on Monday are already looking dirty again--this is the downfall because not everything is sparkling clean at once). But, I just don't have a 3-4 hour block of time to do it all at once so this is the way it must be for now.

This also holds me more accountable to get things done, and, if I actually do find time to sit down during the day, I realize there is probably something on my list that still needs attention. I've also been trying to spend less time on the computer and more time just playing with the boys. And can I say that Joel has a small Candyland addiction right now? The boys are actually both really into playing any board game, but Candyland is the current favorite. I put a cap on it after 5 times in a row--then we must switch to something else for awhile. On Friday we played 12 games (a mixture of several different board games) was thrilling! haha.

It's a little tougher to play when Brody is awake because he's like a little wrecking ball who just comes crashing onto the board and eats all of the pieces. He is in this funny stage where he'll come barreling over to you (crawling) when you are on the floor and just start climbing all over you. He grabs hair, glasses, clothes, and smothers his face into yours. It's a very slobbery, rough way to get attention but he just loves it!! After several hours of this each day, I eventually have to move up onto a chair or the couch because I am tired of being a human jungle gym. Apparently my growing belly also makes a good step for him, but not so pleasant for me. He's starting to stand unassisted and I'm thinking his first step is right around the corner. This looks like it will come just after his first tooth which is breaking through as we speak!

My boys are late teethers (Brody will be 11 months old on Saturday) but I kind of like it that way. It doesn't hinder what they eat, and it seems like they are better able to handle the pain when they are older. Joel's pediatrician wanted him to see a pediatric dentist when he was a baby because at 12 months, he still didn't have any teeth. I declined because I was pretty sure the teeth were in there somewhere and would come out when they were ready. I didn't need to pay someone a lot of money to tell me that. :) And sure enough, they started coming in quickly after that, two at a time.

This reminds me of one of the benefits of having lots of kids...the more you have, the less you worry about the small things that you worried about with the first. Nothing seems quite as alarming, you know there is a huge variation in development, and that mystery rash will probably just go away on it's own in a few day.

But, while I am spending less time worrying about the little things, I AM spending a lot more time cleaning, organizing, grocery shopping (my boys can EAT!!), and doing laundry. I guess that's the trade-off! And speaking of that, I've got to go and organize my closet, it's about to eat me alive! We have a tough week ahead of us...hoping all goes well :).

Monday, September 21, 2009

Into fall.

We got the spend the weekend at my parent's house and it was so relaxing. I forgot just how nice it is to get away for awhile. Zac and I went to a wedding on Saturday night, which was also fun, since it's been awhile since we've been to one :). And, because he's on study leave at church for the week, we visited another church in Colorado Springs last night. All in all, it was just a refreshing time.

I don't think I was aware of how stressed out I have been feeling (subconsciously) these past few months. I think a lot of it has to do with Zac's album production and now release. He has been working non-stop on all aspects of it for 9 months now and even though it's now officially for sale, there is still a lot of marketing stuff to do. Will it ever end? Another huge subconscious stress for me is the baby growing in my tummy.

My pregnancy has been great so far! Other than some crazy, long headaches, I've felt the best I've ever felt while pregnant and it's a huge blessing!! It's when the baby comes that worries me :). Things are just going to get so much more crazy around here and my role of "house manager" will get even bigger. So many people have said to me, "You're going to have some help aren't you?" That just makes me panic even more when I say, "No, not really" and then their eyes bug out. If only we were rich and famous and I could just hire someone to clean my house, do my laundry, and stay here two mornings a week so I could run errands. Okay, maybe not famous. I've heard that's not so much fun. I'll just take enough extra cash in the budget to cover those few things! Ha ha. But since that's not going to happen, I'll have to put the diapers on a really low shelf and train Joel to bring me the 15 diapers that I'm going to need each day :). Or maybe I'll get lucky and Brody will be walking by then

Anyway, I originally intended to say that I have been in the process of going through all of our rubbermaids in the basement and washing all of the boy's clothes for fall/winter and putting away some summer stuff. I actually enjoy doing this. I like taking out the old clothes and reminiscing about who wore it last and what they were like at that stage. I also am at the point where we don't have many handed down clothes for Joel and so it's a fun excuse to go shopping. I got him some fun stuff!

And it's a good thing I'm doing this now because I just looked out the window, and I kid you not, it's snowing. This is the earliest snow of the season I can ever remember. This is made extra weird because yesterday it was 80 degrees and sunny...I'm sure in a few days it will be 80 degrees again. I love Colorado!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Maybe not.

Oh, it's been a little while hasn't it? Remember when I said I thought we had a nice schedule for fall and we were looking forward to our activities? I think I lied. Maybe I'm thinking that because I was driving for an hour and a half yesterday and today, just shuttling us around from one thing to another. Or maybe it was the fact that I burst into tears when I got the boys home from AWANA tonight after Zac asked how it went.

Let's just say, I think we are going to be AWANA drop-outs. This is not because it isn't an amazing program--it is and we have some really special leaders and participants--but it's just too much for us.

As many other moms do I'm sure, I am feeling slightly overwhelmed with the burden of household details lately. Those details of cooking, cleaning, meal planning, appointment scheduling, therapy coordinating, laundry washing, trash taking, car washing (well, actually I don't think I've done that one in awhile), child refereeing, and playdate hosting have now expanded to include the kid's activities. When's gymnastics? When am I supposed to attend Joel's field trips and Jesse's field trips and where were we going again? Have I gotten a sitter to watch Brody for those field trips? Who's class do I have to bring snack for this week and what kids have what allergies? (Uh, sorry, that was produced in a factory where they also have peanut products, can you bring something else?) Did you learn your memory verse for school? Are you wearing red because it's "Clifford day" today? Do you have your show n' tell? It's a bit overwhelming.

And all of that reminds me, I think Brody only has 3 diapers left. Great. Because I was really looking forward to a trip to Costco with my "crew" tomorrow--the one day we don't have anything else to do. Something about that place makes them all combust. It's like they have super-sized tantrums just to match the food portions.

I think a small part of my problem getting organized is that the two mornings a week that the big boys are both in school, I have other commitments (MOPS, leadership meetings, and Bible study). I'm not exactly sure how that happened but it's cramping my style a little bit. And you know what else? I think I'm experiencing some pre-anxiety for when I have to throw two more kids into this "school stuff", one right after the other. Oh, just one day at a time right?

And while I'm venting, let me just say how difficult it's been to schedule a simple appointment to see the dentist. I've had to call back and reschedule 3 times because none of my appointments have worked for our/Zac's schedule to be home and watch the boys and I used up all of my babysitting credit with friends in the past few weeks. Finally, this last time the receptionist offered for me to bring ONE of the kids and she would help watch that ONE. Um, thanks, but what am I supposed to do with the other two? It's not like I really even want to go to the dentist, but I think I have a cavity, so I need to do the responsible adult thing and just make it happen. Because we all know that what's worse than having a cavity filled is having to get a root canal. And if that happened, I'd have to make another appointment and find another babysitter.

Maybe it all just comes down to my dentist phobia. I had never had a cavity until I got pregnant with Joel. When I went in for a cleaning when I was 8 months pregnant, I nearly fell off the chair when the dentist told me I had nine. NINE??!! What? He attributed it to the fact that I had been throwing up daily for the previous 7 months and it had likely weakened my tooth enamel. Whatever happened, I now experience PTSD every time I go to the dentist's office. Especially when I'm pregnant, which, incidentally is now, and has also been quite often in the past 4 years. ACT with fluoride, I hear you calling my name!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The album is here!!!

Zac's album is out. Buy the album, and pass this link to all your friends!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Counting my blessings.

Zac has been out of town for a few days on a backpacking/mountain climbing trip. I am glad that he gets this opportunity to be with some other great men and take a break from his normal, busy life. He is always very gracious when I leave for a girl's night out or other equivalent "fun" activity, and although he is definitely gone a lot and I'm on overtime mommy duty (evenings and weekend stuff included), it's almost always for "work" type commitments that he is gone. So, all that to say I hope that this is a rejuvenating time for him!

And yet it's still tempting to feel sorry for myself. I'm so busy. These boys are so demanding. The laundry is overtaking me. I just cleaned up lunch and now it's already time to start making dinner. Need another diaper change? Did you really just color with Sharpie on my wall? Blah, blah, blah.

But I've been reminded this week about the preciousness of life and how to NEVER take it for granted (especially the lives of my children). A dear friend just lost a baby during pregnancy and is grieving the huge loss that is. She had been trying for awhile to get pregnant and so this is extra difficult for their family. As I spend time in prayer for her, God gently reminds me to move above getting "caught" in the mundane details of life and be ever-thankful for his good gifts from above.