Monday, September 21, 2009

Into fall.

We got the spend the weekend at my parent's house and it was so relaxing. I forgot just how nice it is to get away for awhile. Zac and I went to a wedding on Saturday night, which was also fun, since it's been awhile since we've been to one :). And, because he's on study leave at church for the week, we visited another church in Colorado Springs last night. All in all, it was just a refreshing time.

I don't think I was aware of how stressed out I have been feeling (subconsciously) these past few months. I think a lot of it has to do with Zac's album production and now release. He has been working non-stop on all aspects of it for 9 months now and even though it's now officially for sale, there is still a lot of marketing stuff to do. Will it ever end? Another huge subconscious stress for me is the baby growing in my tummy.

My pregnancy has been great so far! Other than some crazy, long headaches, I've felt the best I've ever felt while pregnant and it's a huge blessing!! It's when the baby comes that worries me :). Things are just going to get so much more crazy around here and my role of "house manager" will get even bigger. So many people have said to me, "You're going to have some help aren't you?" That just makes me panic even more when I say, "No, not really" and then their eyes bug out. If only we were rich and famous and I could just hire someone to clean my house, do my laundry, and stay here two mornings a week so I could run errands. Okay, maybe not famous. I've heard that's not so much fun. I'll just take enough extra cash in the budget to cover those few things! Ha ha. But since that's not going to happen, I'll have to put the diapers on a really low shelf and train Joel to bring me the 15 diapers that I'm going to need each day :). Or maybe I'll get lucky and Brody will be walking by then

Anyway, I originally intended to say that I have been in the process of going through all of our rubbermaids in the basement and washing all of the boy's clothes for fall/winter and putting away some summer stuff. I actually enjoy doing this. I like taking out the old clothes and reminiscing about who wore it last and what they were like at that stage. I also am at the point where we don't have many handed down clothes for Joel and so it's a fun excuse to go shopping. I got him some fun stuff!

And it's a good thing I'm doing this now because I just looked out the window, and I kid you not, it's snowing. This is the earliest snow of the season I can ever remember. This is made extra weird because yesterday it was 80 degrees and sunny...I'm sure in a few days it will be 80 degrees again. I love Colorado!

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