Thursday, January 29, 2009

Because I have so much free time on my hands...

We've decided to begin potty training. Actually, I shouldn't say "we". Joel and Jesse decided this, against my wishes (I know, did I really just say that? Don't moms dream of their kids desiring to be potty trained?)

Well, yes, I would eventually dream of it, but not now. I've got too many other distractions.

Anyway, I was feeding Brody in his room the other day and Jesse ran in to tell me that he went peepee in the potty. "What potty?" I asked skeptically. "The one I brought up from the basement for him", answered Joel. "Oh." I went downstairs, and sure enough, there it was.

This is interesting because before Brody was born, I asked Jesse repeatedly if he was interesting in going on the potty and he flatly refused each time.

Now, they just make a game out of it. They take off all of their clothes and go in the bathroom together. They make sure the door is shut because they need their "privacy". Joel goes on the big potty and Jesse goes on the little potty.

Now, I guess I must seize the moment and put post-it notes all over the house to remind me to remind Jesse to go every 30 minutes because as of now, he goes in the potty and his diaper...I don't want to totally confuse the little's kind of an all or nothing thing. :)

So yeah, I'll just add it to the "to do" list, no problem.

Did I menntion that my new mantra is this--"If I am sitting down thinking about relaxing/reading/resting for a moment, then I better think a little bit harder and get back up and find the things that really still need to be done (i.e. empty dishwasher, fold the laundry from 3 days ago, pack a preschool lunch, start dinner, clean the aforementioned potties, etc.) even though I've been working non-stop since I got up at 6:30." If all else fails, I'm sure there's a diaper that needs changing. :)

Unfortunately, I'm barely able to find free minutes in my day right now...a this is a labor intensive stage of life, but it too shall pass.

As I type this post, I'm compiling my mental to do list for the afternoon...I better get cracking!

Monday, January 26, 2009


I'm not really a big fan of stereotypes, but as I was doing the dishes today and overhearing Joel and Jesse play, I just had to laugh and thought of this post.

You know you are a PK (pastor's kid) when:

1. One of Joel's all-time favorite songs is "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing".

2. Jesse requests that we say the Shema ("Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one....") every night before bed.

3. Joel popped his head into the sanctuary the other day when it was dark and empty and said, "Oh, Jesus must be at a meeting."

4. Instead of playing cops and robbers or cowboys and indians, they pretend to go to Bible study. They each carry a stack of Bibles and then sit down and look at them in a designated location. In fact, every book that is an adult book (small font, lots of pages, and no pictures) they call a Bible.

5. Joel and Jesse end every prayer with the phrase, "and thank you most of all for Jesus".

6. We were at the store the other day and Joel did something naughty so I gave him a quiet reprimand, to which he loudly responded, "Mommy, Jesus needs to come in and clean my dirty heart!" I got a few strange looks :).

Oh, I am so thankful for these precious hearts. And I am thankful that we don't just "go to church" but that the gift of Jesus Christ is a part of their daily lives. May they never become jaded or cynical, but truly seek to know more and more what it means to have Him as their Savior. I pray that Zac and I can always be a humble example to them--through our giftings and faults--showing them our need to always give and receive grace.

Sweet boys.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

And I love the big guy too.

Daddy doesn't get near enough blog coverage, but I love him too!!

I love these guys.

I love Colorado!!

Yes, I love this state. I love that we get 4 distinct seasons, yet they are all fairly mild. It doesn't get ridiculously hot or cold. We don't get heaps and heaps of snow, but we get a good amount. We have little humidity. The fall leaves are beautiful, the spring flowers are refreshing. There are very few mosquitoes and very few bugs in general. It's just a great place to live. You can't beat 300+ days of sunshine every year or the crisp blue skies that make the fresh snow look like diamonds.

Okay, I'll stop the Colorado commercial.

All of that to say that it's been 70 degrees here the past few days. Sorry to all of you in the midwest and northeast who have had record setting lows. Not here. We went to the park yesterday in short sleeves.

Move to Colorado! It's not the stereotype constant blizzard in the winter that everyone thinks it is!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Yes...I'm still talking about it.

Sleep, that is. Brody has had another string of wakeful nights, but we had a serious conversation last night on the changing table while I put him in his pajamas. We talked about how sleep is very important and his days will be much more fun if he sleeps better at night. I even placed my hand on his head and we prayed about it. Zac told me later that is a biblical sign for the transmission of sins, and I was actually symbolically imputing my sins on Brody, but whatever....that's beside the point. The point IS that he only woke up 2 times last night, once was very brief and the other was just a quick feeding! Woohoo!

And Karla, I know you are reading this. We got your note and sleep deprivation is NOT a good reason to delay childbearing. You should just have 3 kids in 4 years like me. That way, if you haven't slept through the night for 4 years, it's not so shocking to the system when you have a newborn :). Just kidding, I'm not that sleep-deprived.

And, the even bigger news around here is that we are getting an elliptical machine. I will begin working out again for the first time since I was pregnant with Joel. I honestly can't even remember what it feels like, but I am hoping it will give me more energy and help me drop these extra 15-20 pounds that are stuck on me. Oh yeah, and it's good for my heart or something too :).
Oh how I love craigslist!!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

A granola bar is not as good as a cookie.

Too bad that's true. My sugar detox continues...this is day 4 and I've really stuck to it. Although Zac told me last night that I was cheating because I at a granola bar after dinner. I don't think so, because it wasn't nearly as satisfying as a chocolate chip cookie would have been. Why isn't this getting any easier!!??

On a happier note, Brody only woke up ONE time last night! Yea! He's only been eating one time overnight for two weeks now, but he has this night-waking problem of just wanting to see us for awhile every hour or so. Maybe I convinced him it's not that great after all.

He had his 2 month appt today (although he is really 10 weeks today). It went well and the doctor thought he was doing great!

His stats:
13 lbs. 8 oz. 90%
24.5 inches tall 90%
Smaller head than the other two boys (I can't remember exactly but it was only the, he must have some of my genes and not the Hicks head...sorry Dad Hicks).

Kind of a big dude!

And Joel has his a 4 year check-up on Friday.

His stats:
38 pounds
39 inches

Doing great! He answered all of the doctors questions about his development, aced his eye exam (phew...I haven't passed that on to him), and even lied to her when she asks if he brushes his teeth every morning (in addition to evening brushing). Oops, I guess we'll have to work on that. Thanks for trying to make me look like a better mom, buddy!

On an interesting note of comparison. At the same age as Brody is right now, Joel was 2 inches shorter and 3.5 pounds lighter! Wow, poor Joel spit up everything he ate and cried all of the time. Maybe he was just hungry :).

And when Jesse was Brody's age, they were the same length, but Jesse was a pound lighter. It seems dear Brody is getting plenty to eat (it took the 3rd child to finally accept that I have a low milk supply and now I supplement). I guess there are some benefits to being the 3rd!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Smiles and sleeplessness.

And these two cute faces. The littler face has started smiling a lot now! I've yet to catch a good one on camera but I'll get sure to post it when I do.

However, it's not so cute for the 5th time in the middle of the night when he wakes up crying (loudly) but then gives me a huge smile as soon as my face appears at the crib.

Brody, I know I'm a pretty fun gal, but I'm much more fun in the morning. I promise. So please, just stay asleep at night.

I must admit that the sleeplessness is BY FAR the hardest part for me of having babies. I dread it. I fear it. It's the reason I may not have any more kids (although I'm quick to forget how bad it really is). I am pleased to announce, though, that I've survived it this time for almost 10 weeks now. That means I am 10 weeks closer to sleeping through the night!!!!!

And, by the way, if one more person who has a baby younger than Brody comes up to me and asks if he's sleeping through the night yet (because their baby is and it's SO wonderful), I might shoot them. Just kidding, a little.

Oh, Joel

So sweet. So difficult. That pretty much sums up Joel. He is four now, and I am amazed at how many ways he appears to be so much more grown up, but then continually shocked at how he can act so much like a baby still. 4 is an interesting age.

He's been especially challening lately. Lots of tantrums and crying. It's hard for me to watch him struggle to control his emotions and react to things appropriately. He and Zac had a long talk in bed the other night after an especially difficult day. I wasn't sure exactly what they talked and prayed about, but at dinner the next night (Zac was at work) Joel added to his usual prayer, a request for "Jesus to please clean my dirty heart". How funny, and true. Please, Jesus, do that.

Still, we just love him so much. And part of the fun of the boys growing up is that they are playing together even better. I found them, without clothes, riding their "horses" the other day while I was trying to clean. Too cute.

I'm back!

I've been gone for awhile. Mostly just super busy with the boys, but also because Zac changed the security settings on our computer and blogger wouldn't let me sign on. But, now it's working!

What's new? The big news around here is that I have started myself on a "sugar detox". Somewhere along the road, between my second trimester of pregnancy and now, I developed a serious habit of eating lots of sweet junk--cookies, candy, cake, you name it, I ate it. Part of the problem was Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and lots of people bringing me meals after I had Brody and they were all complete with a wonderful dessert!

I just realized that it is probably contributing to my fatigue because after I eat a cookie for breakfast (along with my Cheerios, see, I'm not that irresponsible), I feel like I am going to crash. So then I go have a piece of candy. And then another cookie. I have been blaming the tiredness on Brody's unfortunate night-waking habit, but I think the sugar is part of it. It's also not helping me lose the 15+ pregnancy pounds that are still hanging around.

So...I am starting day 3 of no sweet junk food (chips are still okay :). It's going really well. I passed on a piece of cake at a baby shower this morning, I left off the chocolate sauce on my poached pear at small group last night, I'll skip the cake at a birthday party this afternoon, and I walked by the Hershey kisses in our kitchen yesterday morning. I have to admit, I felt like an addict coming off of withdrawal, but I'm on the right track. And, I won't be this strict forever, just initially so I can get over the cravings.

Wish me luck!