Friday, August 27, 2010

First day of school pictures.

Here are some official 1st day of kindergarten pictures!!

Ha! I caught him!

For some time now, I've had a "phantom" (i.e. no one will confess) drawer on the walls in my house. It's in pencil and usually not very noticeable. But, I caught this picture today and now I know who the culprit is! (if you can't read it, it says Jesse :)

Feeding time!

Bronwyn's first rice cereal (and solid feeding!) She really enjoyed it more than it looks...I took a quick break in feeding to grab the camera and that did not please her.

See look, now she's happy!

World's cutest "helper"!

A few more birthday pics.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Someone's turning 4!

We had a very special Toy Story birthday party for our favorite second son yesterday afternoon!! He has been so excited for the party and we have enjoyed his daily countdown. He truly seemed to appreciate everything and it was such a joy to be able to do this for him. Jesse has a sweet, quiet spirit that we want to make sure never gets lost in the shuffle of our crazy home and we pray that he felt very loved yesterday!!

Happy Birthday, dear Jesse!

Some info about our little guy, just for memory's sake.

He's 40 inches and 34 pounds (a slender fellow, I'm working on beefing him up a bit :)
He loves Legos and is very good at building things unassisted.
He reads at a second grade level...weird, because we never really taught him, but now he's teaching Joel (his older brother).
He loves to have his back rubbed.
When he's tired, he says he's cold. Even if he won't admit to being tired.
He doesn't like cereal (he cannot be my child).
He loves popcorn (also not a trait I share, but definitely like his daddy, here).
He is eternally forgiving.
He has a streak of fire, when necessary.

We love our little guy!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I guess it's been awhile. It's funny how things like folding laundry, running errands, cleaning house, changing diapers (lots of diapers) can eat up a whole day! Needless to say, I haven't kept up on the blog very well. In fact, I have no idea how long my old template had even been erased, making the blog look like a construction site!

But, I'm back. For the moment anyway. Until something more pressing calls. Which is very likely.

I'm getting a rare moment of peace around here right now. Joel and Jesse are out on a birthday excursion with friends...Jesse turns 4 next week!!! And the babies are both sleeping. At the same time. I feel like that alone deserves a hallelujah!

Joel started kindergarten last week and is liking it! He doesn't like the "homework" he has to do each day though. He's been moved up to a 1st grade class for reading because he tested as exiting 1st grade level for reading skill, but they didn't want to move him up too far. He's still bored and says he doesn't like the 1st grade class, but I think it's just because he is probably quite convinced that he's missing out on something in the kindergarten room. You know, like as soon as he leaves the room, they have a cupcake party or something. That's my boy. Ever the social butterfly! Seriously, I had not a moment of sadness when he left for the first day. He is so ready to get out and conquer that playground!

As I said, Jesse is turning 4 soon! How did that happen? Even though he's my 2nd of four kids, I still feel like he's my "baby" because he was my baby the longest. The biggest gap I had between kids was 26 months after I had Jesse and before Brody was born. The other gaps were 20 and 15 months (Joel and Jesse, and Brody and Bronwyn) so he really was my baby the longest! He has been so fun to have here in the mornings without Joel. Man, I love those boys but they have been perfecting the art of antagonizing each other all summer. And I do mean ALL summer. Everybody is thriving with just a little time apart. :)

Brody is cutting his final teeth. Need I say more? That, coupled with some ear infections for he and Brownyn the past few weeks has been not fun. I actually only got 2 hours of sleep the night before last. You'd think I had a newborn or something??!! Anyhow, he's much happier now, but still in pain I think. He's been receiving speech therapy for a few months now and the words are starting to fly! He mostly mimics what we say but we are so pleased to here his little voice. He is Mr. Busy and if I take my eyes off of him for too long, I'm sure I'll find him scaling the side of the house. And he loves to take cereal boxes out of the pantry and carry them all over the house...on the go munching. I actually found a Frosted Mini Wheat in my bed yesterday. Ha! I love that little guy so much I could just kiss him to death!

And sweet baby girl. She's also been a bit "fussy" for the past few months. She was SUCH and easy newborn and little baby that I think I got spoiled. She even started sleeping through the night at 11 weeks!!! That is not a Hicks' trait by any means, but we'll take it! Unfortunately, she now has a pacifier addiction while sleeping and Mommy must feed that addiction throughout the night. I know, bad Mommy. I tried to break her of it last week and let's just say it did NOT go well. We'll try again in a month or so when I've recover. (See the part previously where I mentioned the ear infections and 2 hours of sleep). Playing dress-up with her is still one of the highlights of my day and I just went shopping for some fall clothes for her. I'm pretty sure I just stared at them for an hour after I got home. Oh how I've longed to see pinks and purples in my laundry room! I still sometimes cannot believe I have a daughter and I praise God for her EVERY day!!