Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Wiggle Wiggles.

UPDATED: Here are some pics my mom sent me...I am so glad we got to do this, everyone had a great time!

We went to a Wiggles concert last night! A week ago my mom called to say that they were going to be in Colorado Springs and that she wanted to take the boys and my niece. I came along to "help". Actually, I kind of enjoy the Wiggles, as far as kids-music-corny shows go. It was a great concert and they had a ball. Oh, and Joel calls them the Wiggle Wiggles. I'm not sure why...

And, of course, because I am "documentationally challenged" as I've mentioned several times before, I don't have any pictures. I actually took quite a few with my mom's camera and meant to post them on my blog from her house but didn't get around to it. I'll have her send me some and try to get them up.

The Wiggles and their pals were doing lots of hand stands and other gymnastic type moves on the stage. Apparently, Joel was quite impressed and was trying to do handstands in his theatre chair. It was a funny sight that I wasn't adequately able to get on camera. He cracks me up.

I told my mom afterwards that I was kind of sad it was over. Using the Wiggles concert had been a very effective tool in reminding the boys to be on their best behavior throughout the day to make sure they would be able to attend the concert that night. Ah, the things I resort to sometimes. You moms know that you all do it every now and then! :)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Eight years.

Happy Anniversary to my wonderful husband! It's been 8 years. In some ways it feels like 1 or 2, but when I think back on all that has happened in the past 8 years, it feels like many more than that.

When Zac and I got engaged, we were both very young. He was 20 and I was 21. It seemed like such a huge step to take, but we both felt like we were ready. Not necessarily ready for all of the little things that would come along as challenges (we knew God would walk us through those when the time came), but ready to commit to a lifetime together. A life that was soon to unfold before our eyes. We wouldn't know the daily details, the mountaintops or the valleys. What we did know was that we trusted each other to remain committed, and we trusted each other's character. That was really what we found to be most important--is this someone that I respect, trust, and can honor for the rest of my life?

And I must say, that Zac has been that and so much more. He is a man of incredible character. I could glimpse this before we were married, but am still realizing the full extent of it today.

He is honest. He is hardworking--won't quit until the job is done to the best of his ability. He is conscientious. He is funny. He loves me unconditionally. He loves our boys deeply. He is organized. He is future thinking but always lives in the moment. He is committed to providing for our family, in many ways. He encourages me and challenges me, pointing out my weaknesses, while still praising my strengths.

I praise God for giving me Zac as a husband. And I pray for 80 more years.

Side note: I do not thank Zac for giving me his cold, which came on last night. Now it feels like I have a terrible head cold on top of the stomach flu (thank you, pregnancy). Bummer. But you know what, we will still celebrate tonight--even if it just means being able to comfort each other in our afflictions. Haha! Isn't that a true reflection of what marriage sometimes is?

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Not such a good start.

Two months ago I convinced Zac to take a week off this summer. Not so we could do anything spectacular, it's too expensive and logistically difficult to take a big trip with 3 little people, but just to relax and take a break. He needs that. I need that. The boys need to see us all just having fun together.

That vacation week starts tomorrow. And we are not off to a good start. Zac and Jesse are both sick...they have been this whole past week and while Jesse seems to be staying the same, Zac is definitely getting worse. This isn't exactly what I had imagined for our special time together. Think Zac sleeping a LOT and me doing the same thing I do every other day, except being annoyed that this week I actually shouldn't have to be doing it alone.

Insert crying.

Just kidding. I know that was very whiny. Hopefully we can get them both to the doctor on Monday, on some medicine, and on the road to recovery. Just pray the other boys and their Mommy don't get it! Then I really might cry :).

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Thoughts from the bigger boys.

Yes, Jesse has a huge bruise/cut on his forehead. We were playing on the driveway the other night and BAM! he just went down. Poor Jesse. This happens almost every day. He is just walking (or running) along and all of a sudden does a huge faceplant. Usually he gets his arms out in front of him first...obviously not this time though! This picture was taken 4 days later!

These little jokesters. Joel thinks it's really cool that Brody is big enough to "play" with them now.

When I told them about the baby, they immediately shouted that they wanted a sister. When I said I didn't know what it would be yet, Joel said, "You mean it could be another Brody?" Then Jesse said, "No, I want a sister!"

I asked them why they wanted a sister so much (uh, dumb question...we need some variety around here!), and Joel said it's because girls are just so wonderful. And that's so funny because he really does just love girls. Most all of his friends are girls and he seems fairly enamored by the entire gender. We should start to get worried in about 10 years.

Then later when we were coloring with markers, Joel said he wanted the baby to be the same color as Brody. Interesting.

It's so funny to watch how their little brains process this news. What I am quite certain of is that they are much more excited about the Wiggles concert that my mom is treating them to next week than the pregnancy news. And at this point, when all my being pregnant means to them is that I feel sick, can you blame them? :)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Just call him Bear Grylls.

Well, Joel had a big weekend. He went on his very first camping trip and we weren't even there! We have some good friends who are outdoor people extraordinaire and so when they invited him along to keep their precious little girl company, we figured he would be in good hands! Who better to introduce him to the fine art (or torturous experience, as I like to think of it) of camping? You can read all about their experience here if you are interested (probably only my mom will read that, thanks Jamie!).

He did great and already said he would like to go again next week. Okay, Zac, did you hear that? Because I'll just be honest. I don't like camping. Unfortunately I believe that baby #4 has now sealed the deal that camping will be the only family vacation we will be able to afford for the next many years. Bummer. I better start to get excited about the prospect. I suppose once we buy tents, sleeping bags, camping stoves, camping dishes, coolers, chairs, backpacks, lanterns, lots of bug spray, and smore's sticks, it would be a pretty affordable getaway. Oh wait, maybe we should just think of something else. That sounds kind of overwhelming.

I'll tell you why I really don't like camping. I sort of have some sensory "issues". If you ask Zac, he'll tell you that I have mild autism and Joel just comes by it naturally. Either way, I will admit that certain sensations bother me in an "I am extremely sensitive to normal things way". I don't like wind or extreme cold or hot, or being dirty, or the fact that I hear every single noise as being 10 times louder than it really is and smell every smell as 10 times more potent that it really is. I guess I am just hypersensitive to some stimuli. Mostly being dirty is the one that truly bugs me. It's like I can feel every grain of dirt caking my body and then I can't think about anything else. And as you know if you read Jamie's recap, being dirty is a large part of camping. So is smell. I love campfires, but I hate that when I crawl into my sleeping bag shortly thereafter, I smell like a chimney. And then when we get home, I have to relive the whole dirty and smoky experience when I pull out all of the dirty laundry. Ugh.

Okay, now I sound like a freak. I promise, I am still a very high-functioning person and most of my friends probably don't even know this about me. I'm just explaining in greater detail my difficulties with camping.

All that to say, I am glad Joel had a wonderful time and maybe one day we can go with Scot and Jamie and they can try to impart their love of camping to me. Some day.

Oh, and if you don't get my title for this post, I do know a little about the outdoor experience--everything I know I have learned from watching Man vs. Wild (Bear is the host) with Zac and I'm quite confident I could find my way out of the Sierra Nevadas with just a flint and a knife. Really. Just as long as I don't get too dirty :).

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The long and short of it.

So as a follow-up to Brody's previous post, I will share some of my thoughts on the situation. You know, since our "special surprise" principally involves me for the next 7 months (I guess that's good, 2 down already).

Here are my fears:

Once this baby is born I will not be able to leave the house for 6 months straight.

Brody may not be even be walking when this baby is born.

I won't be able to give each of my children the individual time that they need as babies/little people (I want to cherish these times, not just survive).

How will we afford college when or if all four kids go in the span of 5 years?

Will anyone ever want to babysit for us again?

What does this mean for my eye and the treatments I was supposed to receive this year (finally able to proceed after Brody was born...)?

How will I take care of my children in the way that I want to when I am on the couch with morning sickness (and mine lasts all day, for more than just the first trimester)?

How will I go grocery shopping? (I know, when Zac is home but he works long, weird hours and sometimes you just have to get to the store, you know?)

And yet, after I get over the shock of the upcoming changes for our family, I am overwhelmed by God's timing, provision, and love. This was most definitely NOT a surprise for him. He knows all of my concerns and more, and he will carry me through them. And I know that this child will be a blessing--in the normal ways that we already anticipate, but also in ways that I have no way of even knowing yet! What a privilege it is to be a parent!

But more than anything, when I am feeling overwhelmed, tired, and discouraged, or organized, joyful, and energized--either way, I pray that this experience will bring me before the throne of God, my perfect heavenly Father who will supply all of my needs and grow me into the child that he desires me to be.

Friday, July 17, 2009

And baby makes four.

Hey there everyone! It's me, Brody! Comin' at you with some big news to share (remember, my mama mentioned it in my last's time!)

Well...I'm going to have a little buddy like these guys coming this winter!

That's right! There's a baby in that tummy right there and it's only going to be 15 months younger than me :)

I know! Crazy huh?!

And don't worry, Mom, we promise to help out as much as we can!

I don't know why they are laughing, I'm serious about the help part :).

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Except going to the pool Monday wasn't worth all of the extra work. Jesse had a huge tantrum/meltdown about an hour into it, and once his crying became contagious and Brody started in, we decided it was time to abort mission and head home. I was very frustrated with Jesse. He had plenty of snacks, it was a beautiful day, two of his friends were there, and we were swimming! What more could you want?! Sometimes he just gets on these kicks and there's really no snapping him out of it.

I did however, have a proud mommy moment. Joel was having a great time playing with one of his friends. They were jumping off the side of the pool and then swimming/walking back (it was only 3 feet deep) to do it again. They must have done it 40 times and Joel was thoroughly enjoying his new confidence in his water skills. I walked over and told him we had to leave. He did two more jumps and calmly walked back to our stuff and got ready to go. Those of you who know Joel realize what a HUGE moment this was for him. No crying, no negotiating, no tantrums (we're talking beyond 4 year old normal frustration and into I just cannot control my autistic self tantrums). We have been working, working, working on this--complete with a little story about self-control--and I am finally seeing some fruits of our labor! Praise God!

After dinner, we all went for a walk. Zac had a long talk with Jesse about how we were going to practice walking! Sounds weird, but ever since Brody was born, Jesse has insisted that I carry him everywhere. So unless I want to haul out the double stroller for quick little errands, I have resorted to pushing Brody in the stroller while carrying Jesse. Not a good habit for either of us and we are trying to break it. Jesse actually did a great job and walked all of the way to the park by himself. We are trying to make holding my hand way more special than it really is, but don't tell Jesse that, because he's buying into it!

And Joel decided that he wants to be "SuperWhy". Anyone seen that cartoon on PBS? SuperWhy is a little boy who turns into a reading superhero. They love it and Joel was trying to run so fast that his shoes would turn into rocket shoes and he could fly. He convinced himself that if he ran 5 miles, he would then start flying. It was hysterical watching his little legs running as fast as they could all over the neighborhood. He didn't fly, but he hasn't lost hope yet :). Since then, he's been asking me what other things SuperWhy can do. I've made sure to tell him how SuperWhy always cleans up all of his toys, is kind to his brothers, eats his food without complaining, etc. You know, the important things! :)

Monday, July 13, 2009

8 months and...

guess who is crawling?!


Just kidding. It's really Brody and he is getting fast! It kind of took me by surprise because he started trying right before he turned 8 months old and now, two weeks later, has it down cold. Joel was 13 months before he crawled and Jesse was 10.5 months (although they both did this horribly sad looking wounded soldier army crawl for awhile first). Brody is also trying to pull up on things but forgets that he still has to hold on and then just falls right down.

Poor guy got a big bruise on his cheek from trying to stand in his crib :(. Silly me, I always thought the crib was a pretty safe place to be!

The bigger boys are enjoying his new mobility and put things in front of him to entice him to's very cute.

Stay tuned later this week, Brody also has some other exciting new to share!

And now we are off to the pool. Not really a very easy outing for me to take 3 small children to the pool by myself (and get them all with sunscreen, suits, snacks, towels, toys, etc.), but they all love it and it's definitely worth the extra work.

Happy Monday!

Friday, July 10, 2009

It shouldn't hurt.

So I want to know where medical professionals get some of their information. Because if it's not firsthand experience, then I'm always kind of leery.

"It shouldn't hurt". That's what the nurse at my retinal doctor's office told me about the laser treatment yesterday. Hmmm...that's very nice. Have YOU ever had this done?

Not my experience at all.

Let's just say I hope I never have to do that again. While my doctor was performing the laser torture, I mean treatment, he was telling me how some people just cannot handle it and have to have to be sedated and have it done at a hospital. He kept asking me if I was okay and I bravely told him to just keep going, thinking it had to be over any minute now.

Sheesh. Having someone push really firmly and directly on my eyeball with a glass ball-like thing, while shining a hugely bright light into my eye and then flashing even brighter lights intermittently that felt like I was being given repeated shots...yeah, didn't hurt a bit. Whatever.

Going into it, I thought nothing would compare to having a 1 inch piece of metal stitched onto my eye and left there for a week (my radiation treatment). And of course, this wasn't that bad. But, I'm not going to beg for him to do it again.

We are praying for success and for a true stabilization of the bleeding and swelling that has been occuring in my eye.

And just for the record, it was yeterday and today I feel completely fine :).

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Just back from a little Girl's Night Out. Not nearly as wild as it sounds. Starbucks and talking.

Food for the soul.

I'm so thankful for girlfriends... Who else can you tell that you threw the dustbuster on the floor in anger and not worry about feeling judged?! And yes, that did happen. I'm not proud (long story). I even heard Joel trying to recap the situation for Zac that night and then Zac told him not to lie and make up things about Mommy. I sheepishly piped down from upstairs that, unfortunately, he wasn't lying. Zac looked at me like I was nuts.

On a different note, I'm getting ready for a laser treatment on my eye tomorrow afternoon. Feeling a tad nervous but am praying that it will be very successful. At any rate, it's a good excuse to have my mom come up and help me out with the boys for the evening since Zac's at work and I'm quite certain I won't be up to it (wink wink :). Thanks, Mom!

I'll send an update soon!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th!

Celebrating yesterday reminds me to praise God for our nation (although imperfect) and the many blessings we receive from living here!

We went to a party last night at a friend's house and their neighbors lit off the most spectacular, private fireworks display I have ever seen. It just went on and on...I cannot begin to imagine how much money they spent :). And Brody, our little trooper, just slept upstairs in a pack and play through an hour of some seriously loud explosions. You gotta love the third child...I am pretty sure he could sleep through the sound of a tornado.

Speaking of sleeping through a tornado, last night we had the loudest thunderstorm at 1:30. It was so intense--complete with lightning, thunder, and sideways hitting rain that--I actually thought about turning on the news to see if there was a tornado warning and we should all be down in the basement. Of course, all of my men (the little ones and big one) were just happily sleeping away while I feared that we might blow away. It was scary! We have been having the craziest weather here this unlike Colorado!

I finally fell asleep when it was over, only to be awakened thirty minutes later by Brody who somehow soaked through an entire diaper and his pajamas--from head to toe. Poor guy. I'm not sure how that happened. It's like he had some extra bottles stashed somewhere in his crib and snuck a few before he fell asleep. My night was sort of starting to feel like some weird twilight zone episode. Needless to say, I think I only slept about 3 hours total but still felt somewhat rested in the morning.

This morning Brody was sitting on my bed when Joel came in to say good morning. I love to see the look on Brody's face when he sees Joel in the morning or after he's gotten up from a nap. He has the hugest smile and flings his arms around in excitement. I'll try to get it on photo because it is just SO sweet. Anyway, that happened this morning and Joel smiled back. I said, "Joel, Brody loves you so much and he always has a big smile when he sees you!" Joel said, "And I always get the biggest smile when...(I am assuming he's going to say "when I see Brody, too!")...I see my friend, Helmsley!" Oh, okay. He has a serious friend crush on this little girl, so I shouldn't have been surprised, I guess!

Yesterday when Zac told Joel that he loved him very, very much, Joel responded by saying that he loved Helmsley very much too. Oh my. We could be in for it!

Hope you are all having a wonderful 4th weekend!!