Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Except going to the pool Monday wasn't worth all of the extra work. Jesse had a huge tantrum/meltdown about an hour into it, and once his crying became contagious and Brody started in, we decided it was time to abort mission and head home. I was very frustrated with Jesse. He had plenty of snacks, it was a beautiful day, two of his friends were there, and we were swimming! What more could you want?! Sometimes he just gets on these kicks and there's really no snapping him out of it.

I did however, have a proud mommy moment. Joel was having a great time playing with one of his friends. They were jumping off the side of the pool and then swimming/walking back (it was only 3 feet deep) to do it again. They must have done it 40 times and Joel was thoroughly enjoying his new confidence in his water skills. I walked over and told him we had to leave. He did two more jumps and calmly walked back to our stuff and got ready to go. Those of you who know Joel realize what a HUGE moment this was for him. No crying, no negotiating, no tantrums (we're talking beyond 4 year old normal frustration and into I just cannot control my autistic self tantrums). We have been working, working, working on this--complete with a little story about self-control--and I am finally seeing some fruits of our labor! Praise God!

After dinner, we all went for a walk. Zac had a long talk with Jesse about how we were going to practice walking! Sounds weird, but ever since Brody was born, Jesse has insisted that I carry him everywhere. So unless I want to haul out the double stroller for quick little errands, I have resorted to pushing Brody in the stroller while carrying Jesse. Not a good habit for either of us and we are trying to break it. Jesse actually did a great job and walked all of the way to the park by himself. We are trying to make holding my hand way more special than it really is, but don't tell Jesse that, because he's buying into it!

And Joel decided that he wants to be "SuperWhy". Anyone seen that cartoon on PBS? SuperWhy is a little boy who turns into a reading superhero. They love it and Joel was trying to run so fast that his shoes would turn into rocket shoes and he could fly. He convinced himself that if he ran 5 miles, he would then start flying. It was hysterical watching his little legs running as fast as they could all over the neighborhood. He didn't fly, but he hasn't lost hope yet :). Since then, he's been asking me what other things SuperWhy can do. I've made sure to tell him how SuperWhy always cleans up all of his toys, is kind to his brothers, eats his food without complaining, etc. You know, the important things! :)

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