Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Thoughts from the bigger boys.

Yes, Jesse has a huge bruise/cut on his forehead. We were playing on the driveway the other night and BAM! he just went down. Poor Jesse. This happens almost every day. He is just walking (or running) along and all of a sudden does a huge faceplant. Usually he gets his arms out in front of him first...obviously not this time though! This picture was taken 4 days later!

These little jokesters. Joel thinks it's really cool that Brody is big enough to "play" with them now.

When I told them about the baby, they immediately shouted that they wanted a sister. When I said I didn't know what it would be yet, Joel said, "You mean it could be another Brody?" Then Jesse said, "No, I want a sister!"

I asked them why they wanted a sister so much (uh, dumb question...we need some variety around here!), and Joel said it's because girls are just so wonderful. And that's so funny because he really does just love girls. Most all of his friends are girls and he seems fairly enamored by the entire gender. We should start to get worried in about 10 years.

Then later when we were coloring with markers, Joel said he wanted the baby to be the same color as Brody. Interesting.

It's so funny to watch how their little brains process this news. What I am quite certain of is that they are much more excited about the Wiggles concert that my mom is treating them to next week than the pregnancy news. And at this point, when all my being pregnant means to them is that I feel sick, can you blame them? :)

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