Saturday, May 15, 2010

Just for fun pics!

My posse.

Zac is working on this beautiful Saturday morning so we took some pictures to update the status of all my little people. Sort of like their own mini facebook entry :)

Joel and his plants. Oh my, he's becoming quite the horticulturist. Every day he checks on his grass and sunflowers and makes sure they are adequately watered. It's a big moment for him because apparently we are supposed to put the sunflower sprouts into a bigger pot so they can keep growing and blossom. He looked horrified when I told him I thought big sunflowers were a little scary. I guess I'll put my fears aside for his dreams. And, I must say that he took it very well when Brody yanked one of the sprouts out of the pot and left it for dead in a pile of soil on the kitchen floor. Oops, I guess 3 out of 4 ain't bad.

The other day he was singing Mary Had a Little Lamb. I was semi-listening but tuned in enough to hear him sing, "every where that Mary went the lamb was too short (sure) to go"! ha ha. Needless to say, he's been quite focused on growing bigger lately and so that was just what he heard when he listened to the song I guess.

He asked me what we were doing today and I told him he was going to a birthday party. He told me he didn't see it written down so we should write it down on the calculator. Um, calendar.

Dear Jesse. One minute sweet, the next very spicy. He's quite into the game Hi-Ho-Cheerio right now and I think we've logged about 40 playings in the last few days. He is camera shy (hence the hiding), but I did manage to get him to smile once--I bribed him. Good Mommy. He LOVES words and reading. Many times I find he and Joel on the couch with big, long books, teaching Joel how to read. "That word is actually, Joel." "No, that says through."

We were spelling words on the dining room table and he wanted to do words of things in our house. Like pot, bed, car, right? Nope, dump truck, mirror, and bedroom where his starting points. Bless his 3 year old savant-like little heart. He did ask for a little assistance spelling toilet.

Brody, the bruiser. He is ALL boy. Constantly into things and climbing on things. The other day I turned around and he was standing on the kitchen table. A few days before that I was sitting on the couch feeding Bronwyn and he just disappeared. I found him balancing on the windowsill behind the couch, in between the blinds and the window, staring out the window. Have NO idea how he got up there.

But, he is completely full of sweetness. Very few tantrums, lots of laughter and smiles for this recently turned 18 month old. If that kid was a piece of candy, I would just eat him up. I really have no words to describe his precious disposition and laid back attitude. What a special blessing he is right now!

And the princess. Probably my most smiley baby. She's already babbling and cooing up a storm...and growing like a weed. 12 weeks old yesterday! She needs to be in her crib if you want her to take a good nap--that may not bode well for her being the fourth child in a busy family, but we are trying our best :).

I still have moments every few days where it truly hits me that I have a girl! This is the baby girl I've dreamed of. She's here. Her name is Bronwyn. I'm living this! In a way, I feel a little disconnected (although you would never know it with all of the smiles and kisses that girl gets from me). It's just that it seems so surreal after 3 boys and really believing that I may never get a girl. I'm not just playing dress-up with a doll and every day I remind myself to soak this in.

I'm trying my best not to get too overwhelmed at home. These children are a blessing and if I can keep my mind on that instead of the mundane, yet pressing details of the day, then I am in the best place I can be. Savor these moments, because too soon, they will be gone!