Thursday, November 11, 2010

The babies.

Now that Brody is two, I guess I have to change what I have coined Brody and Bronwyn for the past almost 9 months. Oh, these little ones are just so sweet together and I cannot get enough of them. Even at just a little over a year older than Bron, Brody is very nuturing and kind to her. He gives her a pacifier, brings her toys, and tries to feed her bottles. And she adores him. So much. Enjoy these glimpses of their special little relationship.

He's Two!!

Our sweet, youngest son is now two! Oh, Brody.

You are SO sweet, and happy, and easy-going, and loving, and active, and adventurous, and athletic, and goofy.

And...a picky eater, frequent pooper (sorry, tmi), and escape artist.

Poor guy was a little under the weather for his party...didn't make for great pictures :)

But the good so far outweighs the bad and we LOVE YOU so very much!!!

Friday, November 5, 2010

We love our Daddy!!

Here's a shout out to our great Daddy!

Yes, we are still alive and someone is having a birthday party tomorrow so there will be another update soon!