Thursday, September 3, 2009

Counting my blessings.

Zac has been out of town for a few days on a backpacking/mountain climbing trip. I am glad that he gets this opportunity to be with some other great men and take a break from his normal, busy life. He is always very gracious when I leave for a girl's night out or other equivalent "fun" activity, and although he is definitely gone a lot and I'm on overtime mommy duty (evenings and weekend stuff included), it's almost always for "work" type commitments that he is gone. So, all that to say I hope that this is a rejuvenating time for him!

And yet it's still tempting to feel sorry for myself. I'm so busy. These boys are so demanding. The laundry is overtaking me. I just cleaned up lunch and now it's already time to start making dinner. Need another diaper change? Did you really just color with Sharpie on my wall? Blah, blah, blah.

But I've been reminded this week about the preciousness of life and how to NEVER take it for granted (especially the lives of my children). A dear friend just lost a baby during pregnancy and is grieving the huge loss that is. She had been trying for awhile to get pregnant and so this is extra difficult for their family. As I spend time in prayer for her, God gently reminds me to move above getting "caught" in the mundane details of life and be ever-thankful for his good gifts from above.

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