Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I really need to...

tidy up my house. Somehow it got away from me these past few days and it looks like a bomb went off. I am one of those people who can keep it tidy if it's already spotless, but if things start to get a little messy, it's completely downhill from there and everybody (including me) feels the right to just toss whatever they are holding onto the floor instead of put it away.

That said. I do get a good feeling about tidying up, once I get started. It's getting started that's the hard part. I usually put on a little video for the boys and tell myself I have those 25 minutes to get things clean and in their place.

We needed to get out a bit today after a long day at home yesterday so after Joel's preschool, I took the boys to McDonald's and Gymboree. I ate a Big Mac. I haven't had one of those since I was pregnant with Joel. Weird. I'm still full 4 1/2 hours later. We left Gymboree after a brief period because Joel had quite the naughty streak and since I threatened we would leave I had to make good on it! Naptime seems to have helped the situation immensely.

Can you tell there's just not much going on around here?

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