Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Grocery store anyone?

Does anyone else feel like they go to the grocery store every day? Actually, I probably go more like every other day but it sure feels like I need to go every day. Maybe I'm just not the most organized grocery shopper but I do try to be. I plan my meals for the week every Monday and try to do my big grocery run then. It seems however, that I am always running out of something random that I didn't really plan to run out of but certainly need and so again, I head off to the store. Other times we've decided to have people over and I need more food, or there's that bake sale at church that I need to bake something for and I need chocolate chips, or I'm in charge of snack for preschool so I need to go buy snacks for 12 three year olds. It doesn't really matter what it is--there's always something.

On that note...I made my meal plan yesterday but didn't get to the store yet so the boys and I are off. It's not usually very much fun taking a 1 and 3 year old to the store. Sometimes we make it through without incident, other times, not so much. Hopefully today will be the former. I'm still trying to figure out where I'm going to put the new baby when we go shopping. Jesse sits in the seat of the cart, Joel is in the big part (when he starts touching too many things or not keeping up with us, which is most of the time), no more room for an infant seat. Hmmm.... I may have to start going late at night after Zac is home from the work and the boys are in bed.

On a funny note, I was having a hard time getting out of bed the other morning. Joel was standing by the bed, trying to encourage me (he wanted cereal, badly). He handed me my glasses and then actually tried to put them on my face. Then he told me that I just needed to put my feet on the floor and stand up. "You can do it, Mama!" he said. Thanks, buddy.

He likes to talk about the baby in Mommy's tummy. His conversation varies but it usually ends by him reminding me that he also has a baby in his tummy. I always look in on the boys before I go to bed. You never know what I'll find while they sleep quietly--a leg stuck in the rails of the crib, a poopy diaper, someone a millimeter away from falling off the bed, pajamas unzipped all of the way. The other night when I went into Joel's room something looked funny about him. As I looked closer, I realized that there was something inside of his pajamas--it kind of looked like he was 6 months pregnant. I unzipped the pajamas and pulled out two of his security blankies and a toy boat. Weird. :)

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