Thursday, April 3, 2008

Not so good...

I tried to be positive for that last post. I should have added on there that one of the other things that Zac is doing really well at lately is taking care of his sick wife and doing extra duty with the boys. Yes, morning sickness is in full effect. Except that apparently my body doesn't understand the term "morning" because mine lasts from when I wake up until when I go to bed again.

On top of feeling like at any moment I am going to toss my cookies, I also feel like if I close my eyes for more than 5 seconds, I will fall asleep. This is very unlike me, the person Zac has voted as the least likely to take a nap...ever.

The boys know something is up. Joel is taking advantage of my weakened state by being incredibly naughty. This doesn't pair well with my very short fuse right now. And Jesse is just being extremely clingy. He follows me all around the house crying, must sit ON my lap at every meal time, and has lost his ability to play alone.

On a side note: I was ridiculously sick when pregnant with Joel, not so much with Jesse, but this time around it has a slightly differnent feel to it. The idea of food is so repulsive to me. With the boys, it was the only thing that made my stomach feel better, even if it was only for 15 mintues. Maybe it means we're having a girl...!! I'm actually trying not to think about's better just to wait and see. Everyone had me convinced that Jesse was a girl too, and well, he obviously is not.

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