Monday, April 7, 2008

I wanna be just like you...

I think that's what Jesse is thinking a lot. These past few months, I can literally see him studying Joel's every action and word. If Joel gets a yellow cup, Jesse wants one too. When Joel starts laughing or crying, Jesse does the same. They say the same phrases, laugh at the same things, and make the same requests of me. I never realized until now how much of an influence they will have on each other even at this age, especially Joel for Jesse right now. At only 19 months Jesse wants to be just like Joel! It's cute really...except for when he is copying a tantrum.

It goes both ways, too. I was holding Jesse on my lap the other night and Joel climbed up on the couch and tried to sneakily push Jesse off of my lap and climb on himself. I tried to convince them there was room for both but they weren't buying it. This morning, Zac was praising Jesse for pronouncing the "l" sound in a word (something that's hard for Joel too). Joel piped up and said, "No, Jesse doesn't know how to say "l", only Joel can!". Ahhh, the competitions have begun. I think often how important it will be to try not to show favoritism toward either, or always be harping on one or the other. Zac and I want them to feel little competition, and mostly loyalty and love for one another. We tell Joel frequently that he must be kind and gracious to Jesse (and vice versa) because as brothers they have a very special bond that no one else will have with them. That is my prayer for them this day--that they will know this love and spur one another on twoard good deeds and kindness!
(Don't worry, they are hugging in the picture...not torturing one another!)

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