Sunday, April 6, 2008

That's extra appropriate...

The title of my blog (One Day at a Time) feels extra appropriate lately. Nothing hugely exciting has been happening here. Just trying to get through each day and still try to find the enjoyment. I can't wait to start feeling better. Not only do I feel sick, I feel lazy and tired of sitting on the couch all night (and most of the afternoon). Yuck.

Enough whining for now. Oh, that reminds me that both boys have been incredibly whiny lately. I wonder where they are getting that from! :)

Now, funny things.

The other day Joel woke up from his nap and came running into the room saying, "Hi, Mr. Mommy!" I laughed and he said, "I like that smile!"

He told my mom the other day after we prayed at lunch that you can't see God because he is a Spirit, but he's still really here.

I took him to the bathroom at Chik-fil-A the other day and he pooped (that is rare for him in public). He look at it and yelled, "wow, that was a huge one!!" I know I heard some snickers from the other stall. I just laughed really hard.

Last night we were reading a book about Easter and there's a part where the women go to the tomb that Jesus was in and it's empty. At that point, I usually say, "He went to heaven!" Joel, who is still obsessed with numbers (see previous blogs), beat me to it and said, "He's in seven!". I laughed, he looked perplexed then said with a laugh, "I mean heaven!

Even little Jesse is starting to say funny things. When he wants something, like cookies, he'll ask for it and then give me his preferred answer at the same time.
Like this (Jesse): "Want cookies pease. Yah, okay." How can you deny that request?

Sickness and all, still loving these boys!

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