Monday, February 11, 2008


Unfortunately, Joel is a bit under the eye and a little cold. Good news is that we got some antibiotic drops and it's clearing right up. Bad news is that he broke our streak of being "illness free" for a whole 2 months!! Yep, that's a Hicks' record, especially during the winter. A friend of mine calls preschoolers little petri dishes. I think that's a fairly accurate assessment :). Here he is making his sad face for dramatic effect!

And sweet Jesse is our little hat-wearer. If he sees a hat anywhere, he must put it on. I frequently find him wearing random hats he has found, but the other day, he pushed open the bathroom door while I was getting ready and declared, "hat!". He had a pair of Joel's (clean, thankfully) underwear on his head. Ummm...yeah, good job buddy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As long as it isn't Zac's underware, then he should be fine. Too cute and love the blog Abby.