Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Today I had some friends over that I met at church. She has two boys who are almost the same ages as mine. Wow, 4 boys ages three and under can sure do a lot of damage! I love the look in kid's eyes when they walk into a playroom full of toys they've never seen before. I wonder if I'll look like that when I see heaven.

Her oldest son also has autism (as does my oldest) and so it was interesting to watch them together. Obviously the social piece is difficult for them but they were cute! Her son was just diagnosed this summer and he reminded me of how Joel was this time last year, shortly after he was diagnosed. I was able to see just how far Joel has come and I am so thankful. There are many, many days where I lament how behind he is, how everything in our day is a constant struggle, how it takes me countless hours to teach him something that most kids pick up on their own. But then there are moments where I get a glimpse of his progress and I am blown away. While I want to stay focused for Joel, and remain forward moving, in my heart I always want to feel the grace of his growth.

It is a blessing to be friends with this mom--she understands the sorrow, fear, motivation, sarifice, commitment, and patience that is all wrapped up in loving our "special" little guys.
Joel's preschool class took a fieldtrip this morning to attend a children's symphony. We opted for our playdate here instead--the idea of trying to keep both both boys in their chairs and quiet for an hour while at the symphony seemed like it might push me over the stress-meter for the week. I like how the teacher picks the activity and then makes all the parents come along to do the dirty work. I suppose in theory it was a great idea for some kids...just not mine at this time. :)

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