Saturday, February 16, 2008

Lovely day

Today was just a really nice, relaxed Saturday. We took the boys to Gymboree, had a special lunch at Chik-fil-A with "french dries and cold slaw" as Joel calls it. Yum. Joel also climbed up the play area and went down the slide all by himself--that's a really big deal for him with some of his motor planning challenges. At Gymboree there were two little boys playing that were the same age difference as Joel and Jesse (20 months) but they were probably a year younger. I was thinking that they both looked like babies and was surprised to learn that my kids probably looked like that to other people after Jesse was born. Looking back, I realize how young Joel still was when Jesse was born, even though he seemed so grown-up to me (relative, I guess). I still can picture him marching into the hospital room after Jesse was born, drinking out of a straw sippy cup that my mom had just bought him that morning--he looked like such big stuff to me! But now I laugh because he'd just started walking 4 months earlier, wasn't really talking, and sitll wasn't sleeping through the night. I don't feel like Jesse is growing up asquickly because now that I have someone older to compare him to, he still seems like such a little guy. If I were to have another baby next month, Jesse and that baby would be the same age distance as Joel and Jesse...that's hard to imagine!!

Then later, one of my best friends (friends since we were 11) came by with her fiance. She just got engaged the day before Valentine's Day so we got to talk "wedding stuff"! Congratulations, Lindsay!!

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