Thursday, February 7, 2008

A little bit scattered...

I probably shouldn't blog about this because it is kind of embarrassing but unfortunately, this is a "real" glimpse into something that is not all to uncommon in my life.

After dropping Joel off at preschool this morning, Jesse and I ran to the grocery store to get one quick item. They didn't have it so we drove 10 minutes away to Target. Upon arriving at Target, I realized I left my wallet in the cart at the grocery store. Most people would panic at this moment--I did only slightly because, not kidding, I have probably left my wallet 7 or 8 different places in the last few years, and by God's grace, some kindhearted person always returns it, but I digress... Anyhow, I called the store, yes, they had it. I still needed my one item at Target so I take my checkbook and run in, get my stuff, but they won't let me check out without my ID. Leave Target, go back to grocery store, get wallet (with ID), go back to Target. Repurchase everything, show ID, leave Target. Finally loading Jesse into the car for the 15th time when nice Target lady comes running out with the checkbook I'd left at the register.

Don't worry--I didn't forget Joel at preschool. We are all home safe and I will make sure to engage only in low-key activities for the day since my brain doesn't appear to be functioning at full speed.

1 comment:

Dad Hicks said...

I prayed an extra prayer for you this morning. Dad