Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Zac thinks Valentine's Day is a lame, commercialized holiday (those are his exact words). Can you just feel the romance oozing from his every pore!? I think he's just irritated because he had to change his work schedule around this week to accomodate some holiday celebrations of others.

However, I enjoy the day and am taking this time to reflect on how thankful I am for my three valentine boys. God has blessed us and I'll take any reminder to help me ponder just how much I love them and am loved by them. I also really like candy so that's just an added bonus to the holiday :).

Here's to you, honey!! May we have many more together!!

1 comment:

Dad Hicks said...

I've always suspected that Valentine's Day was created by candy companies and flower growers. I got pink M&Ms and a singing card that nearly scared me out of my chair. Mom got roses, but late in the afternoon. The Santa in the Brown Suit, (UPS man) was overloaded for V. Day I guess.
Our best valentines are our grandchildren (Joel, Jesse and Joanna) and their parents. Love you bunches, Dad