Saturday, February 23, 2008

Good news, I guess.

The good news is that I got my new camera and it's great!! The bad news is that I can't figure out how to transfer the pictures to my computer to show you. The problem with getting new stuff is the learning curve you encounter trying to figure out how to actually use it.

More good news is that we are finally getting a fence at our house! This is the type of thing that I used to think could not have possibly been any more boring to think or talk about in my "pre grown-up" days (yes, I'm assuming grown-up status now). Well, now that I have reached new levels of maturity (and responsibility) that come with being a parent and homeowner, different things interest me. Things like fences, thread count, side curtain airbags, IRA's, vitamin supplements, humidifiers (those of you not from the dry state of Colorado still probably aren't interested in this one, no matter how mature you are), coupons, and gas mileage.

Anyway, we are finally getting a fence. I've been gathering estimates for months, then winter happened, then the ground froze, and everything got put on hold. I kind of felt a little pressure since our whole street is coming together at the same time to do this (all new houses), and I thought I was the only one researching. Turns out, a neighbor a couple of houses down got an even better quote than my best and we're on the's kind of a relief. Sad though, that we are paying $1500 for wood. I could think of many other more interesting uses for the money, but now the kids can play safely in the backyard this spring and summer! I'll be sure to post a picture when the whole thing comes to fruition...I'm sure you can't wait! Don't I lead an exciting life?

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