Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Still yuck

So Joel's little "illness" has now morphed into some mystery rash that comes and goes. Every time I get ready to take him to the doctor, it disappears. Then other times it covers 1/3 of his body and is really itchy. This has been happening all day are so weird. Jesse started to get a little pinkeye himself yesterday but we nipped that right in the bud. Nice.

On a different note, I have a good friend with a newborn baby girl who is in the hospital with RSV. If you all could pray for her that would be great. Their family has had some extreme challenges over the past year and I think they are running on empty right now. It's one of those situations where you wonder how God will bring about redemption amidst such difficulty. I am thankful for the trials our family has experienced for several reasons, but one is that it has deepened my understanding of God's sovereignty and goodness amidst a depraved and broken world. Even now, several years later I can see small ways that God showed us such mercy, love, and care during those times. He hadn't abandoned us. He wasn't punishing us. He was upholding us, amidst our situation. He is so much greater than the sadness that this world can bring. I pray that our friends will experience this love of God.

Sheldon VanAuken wrote an amazing book, A Severe Mercy, that speaks about how God used a certain devastation in his life to really draw him into a true relationship with God. What seemed so horrible was actually used by God to bring about the best thing that could have happened in his life. Wow.

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