Saturday, February 21, 2009

What a night!

We had the best evening as a family yesterday. And it was totally impromptu :)

I was having a dinner fog (I couldn't think of anything to make from our "grocery-less" cupboards). We were supposed to go to a friend's house for dinner but they woke up sick. Disappointed we were, but happy we weren't going to be exposed to extra germs :).

So, we decided to use some gift cards Zac had been given. Side note: I don't know if this happens a lot to other people or not, but we have a very generous church and, I guess because Zac is a pastor, we are randomly given some very wonderful gift cards to various places. I guess it's a fun way for people to show their appreciation---and we sure appreciate that!!

So, we headed out to Red Robin because who doesn't love a good burger and unlimited french fries?! The boys were PERFECT. I have to take note of times like these, because it doesn't always turn out that way. They were super cute, very obedient, and even ate all of their food. We held Brody until our food came and then he happily smiled at us from his carseat. Throughout the meal, Joel kept checking in with all of us. "You okay in your seat, Brody?". "How you doing over there, Jesse? (We were at kind of a big table...we now qualify as one of "those" families, I guess, where we have to yell to be heard across the table because any table at a restaurant that doesn't seat 4, usually can seat at least 8, haha).

Next we went to McDonalds, got cookies for Mommy and boys and a milkshake for Daddy. Then back home where it was to bed for Brody and the rest of us ate popcorn (minus me, yeck, popcorn!) and watched Toy Story. Jesse called it the "pokey baby movie" because of the creepy looking baby in the mean boys room. Funny.

Anway, last night gave me a fun glimpse into the future of when mealtimes can be more fun and less stress. Everyone can eat their own food. No one needs a mid-meal bottle or nursing, and I don't have to magically whip out a bib on a moments notice. For now, we will definitely enjoy these moments along with all of the other moments too!

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