Thursday, February 5, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

I got tagged to do this on Facebook and thought I'd copy it to my blog, just for fun since some people who read my blog don't even know what facebook is :) (Mom!).

1. I used to be a total perfectionist. That started waning a bit in college and went completely by the wayside after I had kids. Now, "close enough" is usually sufficient, except when you are talking about putting on a diaper--"close enough" just doesn't cut it.

2. I have a sensory processing disorder and one of the symptoms is an extremely oversensitive nervous system. I have ridiculously keen senses of smell, taste, and hearing. I also have a really hard time "shutting down" when it's time to sleep. This makes waking up all night long to feed a newborn difficult, and naps are virtually impossible. Bummer. I actually just discovered that's what my problem was after Joel was diagnosed with Autism and we began doing tons of research about that and related disorders.

3. My family traveled a lot while I wasgrowing up and I've been to over 20 different countries...including Hawaii (ha ha--Zac gets so mad because growing up in Hawaii people would say when they were in Hawaii that they were getting ready to go back to "the States" Hawaii wasn't a state but it's own country).

4. On the travel note, I accidentally used a men's restroom in Germany and was cursed out (presumably) in German by a man who walked in while out of the stall while I was washing my hands. I was also propsed to at the Eifel Tower by a strange Parisian man.

5. I was stung by a scorpion 5 times in the back while on a mission trip in Honduras. I was okay--just had a high fever so the villagers made me sit in a hammock by a fire (great). Zac was also on the trip and got gastroenteritis so they made him eat an entire lemon, just like an apple. I got the better end of the deal.

6. I've broken my nose 3 times. One of them was Zac's fault and happened on our anniversary (it's a funny story).

7. I threw up daily for 7 months straight when I was pregnant with Joel.

8. I LOVE cereal and could eat it for every meal for a week. I've fostered the same love in my boys :).

9. I am left-handed and think it's pretty cool. I've tried to force the boys to be but so far it hasn't worked. I'm still holding out for Brody.

10. Once when I was flying on an airplane, the cabin rapidly began filling with smoke, the breathing masks came down and we had to make an emergency landing.

11. I do not consider myself a crafty person at all, but I do really enjoy decorating.

12. I am so thankful to have survived cancer thus far, but I have a deep down fear that it will come back and leave my boys without a mommy and their dad without a wife. :(

13. We got a minivan last year before Brody was born and I am only slightly embarrased to say that I LOVE it! A mom of small children must have designed it :).

14. I really don't drink alcohol of any kind. I have some strange allergy to it where immediately my throat starts to get tight and I feel flushed all over. It's genetic because my mom has it too.

15. I consider myself a friendly person, but I wish I was a little more outgoing. I am often pretty quiet around strangers and I think people think I am snobby.

16. I have an extreme sweet tooth that gets even worse when I am toward the end of my pregnancies. I am sure that helps contribute to the 50+ pounds that I gain each time.

17. I've been changing diapers for almost 41/2 years straight. For almost half of that time I've had 2 kids in diapers, averaging around 12-15 a day. Yikes! I feel sorry for the mom who just had octuplets!

18. I really hope to have a girl some day but am not sure if I could survive having 4 boys! :)

19. In college, I played through the remainder of a tennis season with a stress fracture in my leg. That was a bad choice because now I cannot even walk further than a mile without lots of pain for several days.

20. We have a pretty strict household budget and are quite frugal. We don't travel (except for with my very generous parents), we rarely eat out, we don't have cable TV, Zac drives my 15 year old Honda, we only recently purchased life insurance (it seems like a necessity now), we cut our own hair, etc...but when I got pregnant with Brody, my splurge became to have someone clean my house every other week. It is a huge BLESSING! I still do it myself on the alternate weeks but, oh how I love the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month!!!

21. I tried to learn how to knot when I was super pregnant with Joel and it was a disaster. I was going to make Zac and Joel matching hats and was feeling incredibly domestic, but they turned out very worng! I think I made two decent scarves and gave them to my mother-in-law and sister-in-law as gifts :).

22. I am not really a dreamer (as in major goals and plans for life). I am pretty content just doing the daily routine. Zac, however, is the family visionary so I just focus on supporting his dreams and live vicariously through him. Is that okay :)?

23. I only own one pair of high-heeled shoes and I had to buy them for a wedding last summer.

24. I know more dogs than people with the name Abby.

25. I am in the middle of reading the Bible straight through in 90 days. Over 600 people at our church are doing it and it's been really cool. (See Zondervan's website for details on the program).

26. And one for good measure--I am SO SO thankful to be a child of God.

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