Sunday, February 15, 2009

Operation Sleep

Tonight I begin "Operation Sleep". That's what I am calling my new efforts to get Brody to sleep better at night (mind you, I didn't say "to sleep through the night", just "better"). I do realize that he is only 3 1/2 months old and it's a bit amibitious to expect him to sleep through the night already (although everyone else I know who has babies his age enjoy full nights of sleep...whatever). I'm only asking for 3-4 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Here's my plan:

1. I drove (and sweet Zac and the boys came with me) for over an hour to get a "miracle blanket" that I found on craigslist for a mere $10. Don't ask how much it cost in gas to actually get there and back. Think baby straight jacket and you'll have a pretty clear picture of what this is.

2. We have ordered a sound machine for Brody's room. It should arrive toward the end of this week and I'm pretty excited. It's makes noises like waves, rain, babbling brook, etc. Some people swear by it. And it's small enough to travel with because I've never wanted my kids to get addicted to something necessary for sleep if it isn't easy to take with us when they need to sleep somewhere else.

3. Cluster feeding. Lots of feeding sessions in the final hours before bed.

4. Not waking him up to feed him again around 10 pm (before I go to bed)because I wondered if maybe I was disrupting his sleep. I also plan to go to bed earlier (shortly after I get the bigger boys down) to catch a few extra hours there. It's not fun, but necessary right now.

So, that's it. Wish me luck :)

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