Monday, March 2, 2009

Happy 4 months old!!

Wow! Brody will be 4 months old tomorrow...that's 1/3 of a year. Sometimes I look at him and squeeze him and tell him how glad I am that he is here and not in my tummy anymore. It still feels like it was just yesterday!

He is just the sweetest baby in the world! Joel was the hardest baby in the world (seriously--colic, reflux, asthma, allergic reactions, lactose intolerant--you name it, he had it). We were at the doctor every week for the first year of his life, and he spent 80% of his waking life crying. The other 20% he spent voraciously eating. But, he was also quite smiley and had the best laugh in the world (he still does).

Jesse was a little easier, but still had his share of fussy moments. He was my best sleeper in the carseat and for naps, but not so great overnight until he was 6 months old. A more stoic little guy he was, but also pretty mellow.

Anyway, back to Brody. So sweet. He is smiley and happy, but not over the top. He always gives you a huge smile when you pick him up from his crib--even if he had been hysterically crying just seconds earlier. He's starting to eat better after our rough start. He's a great napper. And he very rarely cries. Seriously. I know. Most all babies have fussy periods. But he doesn't. I wasn't expecting that but it's been a great blessing!!

I just wanted to get this in writing because time is flying quickly and there is not one word currently written in his baby book...yikes! I promise to not give him the "3rd kid treatment". I just need to find a little spare time and voila!

He has his check-up on Thursday so I'll post stats then. All I know is that he is big and is wearing 6-9 month clothes just fine :).

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