Thursday, March 5, 2009

We got ourselves a big one!

Baby that is...

Brody's 4 month appointment was today, although it almost didn't happen. Why, you ask? Because Joel locked my keys in the car before he conveniently went to preschool (so I couldn't bust him for it). And if you are wondering HOW he got to preschool, Zac took him.

Where, you may also ask, was your spare key? (Because those that know me know that I occasionally have a "losing" problem and a spare key would be a necessity in my life). To solve the problem of always losing my car keys, I decided to always put them in the cupholder of my car so that they are always right there when I am ready to drive away the next day. That's been working VERY well for me for the past year (except when Zac takes the boys somewhere in my car and drives away with my keys). In that case, I make use of the aforementioned handy spare.

Well, the great irony is that as I was holding Brody in the infant car seat that weighs like 80 pounds, carrying my 50 pound diaper bag, and Jesse's snack, I irritatedly look into the window of the car and see my spare key mocking me from the driver's seat where it was laying next to my other keys.

Did I mention that Joel has been obsessed with keys lately?

Those of you still following this pathetic story will wonder why my spare is in the car instead of in the house where it normally resides.


Because Joel locked my keys in the car yesterday too and I forgot to put the "handy" spare back inside.

I'm not the brightest light bulb these days.

Anyway, back to Brody. (I don't mean to overshadow my precious baby with a story about keys). I quickly called a friend who lives nearby to see if she could take us. Her kids are all in school now and so I'm sure she has better things to do than go to a well-baby visit, but she was kind enough to take us. And we only had to wait for half an hour after the appointment for her to come get us...this may cause the end of our healthy streak...I could just see the germs in there :).

Oh, and while we were waiting, Brody decided if he didn't eat immediately, he would die so I begged the nurse for a bottle and a free sample of formula because the bottle I had made for him was sitting at home next to the garage door that I never exited (along with my list of questions for the doctor).

26.5 inches (95%)
16 pounds (75%)
small least the kids got something of mine (I'm not calling myself dumb--despite the day's events--I really do have a small head!

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