Sunday, September 14, 2008


I am trying to get more into a blogging routine again...obviously it's not been very successful. For some reason the past few days I haven't been able to upload my pictures on our computer and I don't want to post just the stories without the pictures.

I don't have a picture for this story though. Yesterday evening we were going to take the boys to a play area just as something fun to do after dinner. Joel had been testing us all afternoon--something I'm sure all 3 year olds do with their parents--but he just has this incredible stubborn will that tests, and tests, and tests us. It's physically exhausting to try and stay on top of him and enforce good behavior or compliance for the things we ask him to do. Anyway, we gave him several warnings about his behavior as we tried to get ready to leave and it just wasn't getting through.

So...we cancelled our little outing. The funny thing is that it's just as sad for us as for him. It would have been something fun for all of us, and it's painful to enforce discipline, but being parents is not always fun. If it is, we probably aren't doing something right.

We prayed with Joel before bed and asked God to help him make better choices about obeying today and he did seem to have a slight change of least for today. :) One day at a time....that's all we need to handle.

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