Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I'll admit it. I'm not very good at it. The more kids we have, the more paperwork that needs to be done. It's exponentially increased since preschool started.

Part of my struggle in this area is lack of organization. Zac has helped put some systems in place that help me tremendously, though.

I was just thinking of this as I have spent the better part of naptime trying to collect receipts and copies of bills to submit for reimubursement from our Health Savings Account. I'm trying to get it all together--this has been one facet of nesting. I want to get reimbursed for everything I possibly can before the baby is born, because after, I might forget and that money will be lost after the new year.

Growing up is no fun.

On that note, we need new tires for our car, alignment, rotors fixed, new brake pads, and a small dent in the back repaired (it was there when we bought the car--we got a great deal because of it--but now it's starting to rust and that's not good).

This is also causing me a slight bit of irritation Another part of growing up I don't like. Who wants to deal with car repair (and find the money for it :)?!

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