Saturday, September 20, 2008

Our little men.

We just had the best morning so I have to share.

Zac and Jesse have both been sick for the past few days (fever and cold stuff), so Joel and I left them behind this morning. We went shopping at the outlet mall nearby with a good friend and her daughter, who is Joel's age. The kids were great, we found some incredible bargains, we went out for lunch, and even topped the whole thing off with some ice cream.

Joel was SO well behaved the entire time and it was such a treat to just hang out with him.

Meanwhile, Zac took Jesse on a quick errand and they also managed to pick up some lunch on the way. He also had a great time alone with Jesse. It reminds us how mellow Jesse really is when he doesn't have his little brother around to pester him.

It's nice every now and then to split them up and have this one-on-one time. I get it more often with Jesse when Joel is in preschool and it always amazes me how his little personality comes out. He and Joel really are VERY different and unfortunately, they don't always bring out the best in each other.

So, it's fun for them AND us to each get alone time with a parent. What a great morning!

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