Wednesday, August 27, 2008


This week is full of preschool orientation! I told Zac that I am attending 4 different ones, even though I only have 2 kids in preschool. I guess we will be fully prepared. Joel officially starts tomorrow and Jesse starts next Tuesday. Jesse is just going one morning a week (I think the idea really is for the kids to have a little socializiation and for the moms to get a little break). Either way, I'll take it! It gives me one full morning a week to myself!!!!! That is, for another 2 months. :)

They both seem pretty excited and I can't believe that the summer is almost over already. We did lots of fun things and I am really thankful for all of the things we were able to do.

Plus, it will be nice to run errands with just one child in tow for awhile. I was THAT mom this morning at Walgreen's. Both boys were screaming, Jesse had pooped and had crusty snot on his face. I was tired and hungry (it was too close to lunchtime). I know people were looking at my belly and saying to themselves, "What is she thinking?!" It really wasn't our best moment. We had another one of those moments at preschool this morning too. Those incidents combined propelled me to ask someone to come babysit the boys tonight while I attend a church music party with Zac. He will be "working" at the party and I just decided I didn't want to handle the boys by myself.

I mention all of this because a friend recently emailed me, mentioning how she really feels like she needs help, but has a hard time asking others. Ditto, sister. I was just talking about that last night with Zac. It is REALLY hard for me to ask people to help me--especially with the boys. I don't want them to feel pressure or to feel like I'm shirking my duties as a mom. However, I have gotten a lot better in the last year or so (maybe out of desperation). What I've decided is that it never hurts to ask people. They are more than able to say no (if they have a problem with turning people down, then it's just that--their problem). Many times, I've found people are flattered at the invitation and really enjoy a chance to do something different for awhile. Plus, I do try and rotate who I ask so that the same people don't feel too frequently called upon. To those that do help out and are reading this---THANK YOU!!!! Zac and I often say that we will return the favor to other young families when we are in your position.

What it comes down to is that I don't want to live life with regrets. If all I think about when I look back on this phase of life is that I was stressed out, overwhelmed, and felt trapped with the kids frequently, then I will always wonder why I didn't do something to try and change that. So I am. Now--while I still have the chance!

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