Monday, August 25, 2008

Where to begin...

Wow! It's been a long time since I blogged last. LOTS has been going on.

I also noticed the little floating baby widget that I had on the side was saying I'm 19 weeks, no, I don't need extra weeks added to my gestation so I deleted it. It seemed easier than trying to fix it :)

On that note, I had a doctor's appt for the baby today and everything looks good! I start going every 2 weeks now. As the nurse was talking to me about symptoms of preterm labor and what things to avoid doing, she watched me pick up Joel (36 pounds) and Jesse (27 pounds) in succession and put them on the table with me. Oops, I guess that's considered a "no no". I was told awhile ago that you could continue lifting anything that you have regularly been lifting pre-pregnancy. Zac then reminded me that our children are still gaining weight so that shouldn't count. What's a mom to do? :)

I'll try to post a few things in order so you can get an idea of how our past few weeks have been filled.

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