Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What's ahead?

We went to a really great park in Denver today with a little playgroup we are in. It's an amazing park and the boys really like it. We also discoverd a whole "water play" area they have and Joel was just in heaven. I really think he could play in those for hours. The only way I could get him to leave was to entice him with lunch :).

As I was changing both boys back into their clothes and getting their lunch out, one of the moms asked me if I was ready to handle another (she has 2 kids 15 months apart but her oldest is Jesse's age). To be honest, it was really the first time I actually thought hard about it. Thankfully, since the baby will be born in the winter, we won't have too many park/zoo/pool outings until I've gotten the hang things. Those are the stressful outings--the ones where the boys run in different directions and I have to pick which one to get first.

But who am I kidding? The first few months are the easiest when all the baby does is sit in the little infant carseat. It will be next summer that could be a challenge, when he decides it's time to crawl and see the world.

I think I'm just going to have to be really careful where I go and at what times like: Will the baby need to be fed? Is it close to naptime (this mostly applies to Jesse who loves his sleep)? How many unmonitored exits does the building have?

3 kids 3 and under. What was I thinking? Actually, I know that people do this all of the time--some with even more kids. If they survive, so will I. It will just take me a moment to get my balance.

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