Friday, August 1, 2008

A state of the heart

This morning I woke up slightly irritated. It's Zac's day off so he stayed up until 3:30 because he had a "creative inspiration" as he calls it. This is not that uncommon--day off or not--and is often when he writes his best songs. I'm getting over being annoyed by it but I really don't like it when he's a tired zombie his whole day off (although to his credit, he really does try to act normal until naptime).

Anyway, I was annoyed by that. Then I found out that our community garage sale is supposed to be today and tommorow (not tomorrow and Sunday as it stated in the letter). Well, none of our stuff is ready and I was disappointed because Fridays are much better garage sale days than Saturday. Then I got a call from a friend asking me where Bible study was today. "What Bible study?" I asked her. "You know, the one that starts in 20 minutes." We've taken a little hiatus for the summer and no one mentioned to me that we were resuming. I was still in my pj's trying to haul garage sale stuff up from the basement. So, I throw on clothes, wake up Zac to watch the boys and run out the door. On the way out, I realize I can't find my cell phone so I spend the next 10 minutes unsuccessfully looking for it. Now I am late.

As I drive to the study, I realize that I can either choose to remain irritated about the day or change my attitude and try to enjoy it. Then while at Bible study, we were talking about God's sovereignty, his plans for our lives (even down to the little things), different trials and different blessings. It's like God bonked me on the head and said--yes, I do have specific plans for your life, but I won't dictate your attitude. You can choose to see the grace and mercy and blessing, or you can be annoyed and ungrateful because of temporary circumstances. Unfortunately, when I am tired, discouraged, or afraid, I tend to do the latter. But this day I chose to change my heart. I don't need to worry about things I cannot change--I can only be grateful for what I have, and it is so much.

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