Sunday, August 10, 2008

Time's a flyin'!

I cannot believe it's almost the middle of August. This begins a busy couple of weeks for us--preparing to go on vacation next week, then 3 of us are in a wedding in two weeks (showers, bachelorette parties, bridal luncheons, rehearsal, etc...), then a few days off and preschool starts! Wow!

I like the routine of the fall/winter/spring because it means fun activities like MOPS, Bible study, AWANA, preschool, etc. BUT--it means not getting to play outside as much and do really cool things like going to the swimming pool. The fact that fall is quickly approaching also reminds me that the birth of baby boy Hicks is also quickly approaching! I've been putting off getting things all prepared until Joel goes back to preschool but I will have to start soon :).

Maybe I'll even become better at blogging again once we are back into more of a routine.

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