Thursday, March 20, 2008

Random Stuff

We had a really neat Maundy Thursday service at church tonight. It ended with foot washing which is such a great reminder of Christ's humble sacrifice and service to us. This holy week has been full of great opportunities to praise our Savior and contemplate what he has done for us...more on that later.

On a lighter note...I thought I'd spice things up and share 10 random things about us: it will be a combo of me and Zac since he doesn't get much "air time" on this blog. By the way, I'm hoping to get some new family pics this weekend with Zac actually in them...

1. Zac grew up in Hawaii but hated the ocean until he was a teenager (the grass is always greener...)

2. His eyes look blue if he wears something blue, but green if he wears anything else. Joel's eyes have always been dark blue until this past summer when they started looking more like Zac's--it's really cool!

3. Zac has super wide feet. It wasn't until a little while ago that he mentioned this and actually started to buy shoes that fit his feet correctly. He never knew shoes were actually supposed to be pretty comfortable. Unfortunately, the boys also inherited this trait. It kills me to have to buy them really expensive shoes that they will outgrow in 3-4 months (not very many people make extra wide toddler shoes).

4. He is insanely strong for his size (he gave me that one :) I actually agree with this one. If you are ever moving, Zac is the man to ask for help because he has amazing endurance and can carry anything.

5. He can cross-stitch like nobody's business. He actually made one of my favorite Bible verses for me when we were dating (I know, the crazy things you do when newly in love). It sort of frightened me a little bit since I don't even know how to cross-stitch but it was also very sweet and probably took a lot of time. On a side note, he hasn't made anything since and that was 8 years ago.

6. I have an oversensitive nervous/sensory system. Which basically means I am extra aware of smell, touch, sound, and sight. Occasionally I feel like it's a blessing, but mostly it's just really annoying and makes me tired because I am always on "high alert"and trying to filter out unimportant things.

7. I'm a really bad sleeper...see #6. If I hear the slightest noise or feel a change in temperature, I wake up with a start and it can take hours to fall back asleep. This does not bode well with babies/toddlers in the house. Naps, forget about it. This problem is slightly diminished actually when I have newborns because I am SO exhausted I can sleep easier.

8. I've broken my nose three times. I know, weird. The second two times actually have interesting stories behind them...for another time.

9. When I was pregnant with Joel, I threw up almost every day for 7 months--"morning sickness"??! But when I was pregnant with Jesse, I only threw up once and that was on the airplane which was to be expected because I also have really bad motion sickness.

10. I love people and talking and just hanging out. When we've been out with friends, I come home energized and full of life. It's a neat feeling.

So there, maybe you've learned a little bit more about us!

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