Thursday, March 6, 2008

Busy, busy, busy.

Zac and I spoke at a women's Bible study at our church this morning. He has been leading worship for them since he started his new job and they all adore him. They asked him to share his testimony and so he recruited me to come share my part of "our story" as well. I wasn't going to go because I needed to pick Joel up from preschool right in the middle of it, but we skipped school and went to speak. It was a really neat experience to share the mercies God has shown us these past few years, and how he has literally carried us through some difficult times. Many people were in tears as we spoke and hopefully it was because they felt the love and grace of God afresh for themselves. All in all, it was quite a blessing. Definitely worthy of skipping school.

After that the boys and I met a friend and her daughter for lunch. We went to a little place with a play area and Jesse, my normally very easy-going kid had a HUGE meltdown. Not just a small tantrum, not just a few tears. But an all-out screaming, flailing on the ground, snot running from the nose meltdown. Whoa...where did that come from?! As I mom I sometimes have these moments where I wish I could just blink and be somewhere else--without actually having to go through all of the work it would take to get there. I'm not talking about a beach in Hawaii or on a ski lift in Vermont. I just wanted to blink and instantly be IN the car, ON our way home with the boys strapped into their carseats and all of our various carry-ons safely stowed in the car. Not in the aforementioned play area with everyone staring at us. Because let's face it. If it comes to a point when I need to leave somewhere pronto, it takes me 10 minutes to gather all of us and our shoes and get out the door. This does not bode well when someone is in tantrum mode. And no. Part of those 10 minutes didn't include me stopping to take this picture. This is just a representation, except multiply today by 10. Deep breath.....everyone is sleeping in bed now. Incidently, Jesse was actually asleep before we got out of the parking lot.

We're going to a kind friend's house for dinner who invited us over while Zac is at work. Hopefully we will not have a repeat of the lunchtime "episode".

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