Thursday, December 11, 2008

Sweet baby Brody

Brody is an incredibly sweet, happy baby. I am not exaggerating when I say that he doesn't cry for more than a total of 5 minutes each day. And I can say how incredible this is because I had one child who was on the extreme opposite of that end (cried for 8-12 HOURS a day). I can't believe I have at least taken the time to post this because it is just so incredible. Zac and I take time every day to thank God for his temperment, because if he was an especially needy baby, I'm not sure I could handle this.

He is quite big, despite difficulty eating. He's not a great nurser and frequently grunts/chokes/coughs/gags/burps while he is supposed to be nursing. After two weeks, he hadn't really gained any weight at all and so I had to start supplementing with formula (I also have a notoriously low milk supply). I am continuing to do so because of his lack of decent nursing still, and also a difficulty drinking from a bottle too. It's considered successful if it takes him less than an hour to drink 2 ounces from a bottle...sigh. But--I am not complaining because he is so precious in every other way, and despite all of this, he still weighs 11 pounds, 8 ounces at only 5 weeks old. He's also grown 2 inches since he was born! He may be the biggest of my boys yet!

He still gets up twice a night to eat--one of those feedings is usually much more difficult than the other and I'm often up for an hour each time. I am tired, but surprisingly not exhausted like I remember being with the other boys. I was a little worried because for the last nine months I was sleeping for 9 hours a night and taking a nap most afternoons with the boys. Maybe I'm using some stored up reserves :)

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