Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Life goes on...

Well, I feel like I am really flying solo now and that our life is resuming a new sort of "normal". It's nice, although I do feel really panicky at moments, wondering how I am going to have the energy and patience to sustain life around this house :).

Went to the dentist--got teeth cleaned and a cavity re-done. Apparently they wear out. That's annoying.

And, while the big boys were in preschool yesterday, Brody and I tried to knock out the rest of our Christmas shopping. We did pretty well, amidst several feeding breaks (for Brody). Newborns aren't very efficient. :) But, I like that I have to stop and "smell the roses" (or poop or milk or spit-up, that is) 8 times a day while I feed him. It's sort of like forced relaxation and my body is thankful for it, I'm sure. He is still waking up two times at night--he's been on the exact same schedule at night since he was born and I keep thinking any day now he might drop one of those feedings. That'd sure be nice!

We are having a new family from church over for dinner tonight, I have a Christmas brunch tomorrow and another one on Friday. Then Sunday Brody is being baptized and we are celebrating Joel's birthday with the family. Maybe things haven't gotten back totally to normal, but I like all of the extra celebrations. 'Tis the season!

Maybe after Christmas I'll find time to write a Christmas letter. I have to get it done sooner or later because Zac and I take the easy route and make our Christmas letters serve double duty as birth announcements. We can't forget poor little know, the 3rd child syndrome. :)

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