Sunday, October 26, 2008


We went to a friend's house last night to make s'mores in her fire pit in the backyard. Joel was excited about it all day--he's made them two other times and it has been quite the fun experience for him. Who doesn't love fire and sugar combined?

So we're there, he eats a billion marshmellows and an actual s'more, plays with other kids, rolls in the leaves, etc. The boys got to stay up really late which is rare for them. And when I'm tucking him in bed he says, "Goodnight, Mommy. Wait, we forgot to make s'mores!!". He was serious.

Where have you been, buddy?

I'm pretty sure it is 10 pm.

You just had a bath because you were sticky and dirty.

And our entire laundry room smells like smoke from our clothes.

Don't worry, I promise you didn't miss it.

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