Friday, October 30, 2009


I got these matching shirts for $2.50 a piece. Who can resist such a good deal? Now if it was only that easy to get a cute picture of the three of them. This was my 5th and best attempt. Ha!

I think the balloon man was a little bored when my parents took us out to dinner awhile back. Guess who reaped the benefits of his boredom?

Playing at the North Pole (an amusement park) with Daddy and Papa. Mommy and Nana took Brody shopping (he didn't know any better). It was a good day all around.

The boys found these scarves and hats when I was switching out our summer and winter stuff. They really wanted it to snow, but this was at the beginning of September. Well, they finally got their wish because in the last 2 days, we've had 2 feet of snow here. Can you say CABIN FEVER??!

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