Friday, October 30, 2009


And this sweet little babe is growing up! He is turning 1 next week and although it sounds completely trite, I cannot believe this past year has gone by so quickly. In the last picture you can see one of his two new teeth. He is very proud of those two teeth and manages to chew with them (one on top and one on bottom). Unfortunately, he has also learned how to grind the only two teeth he has...ah, it's music to my ears, or not.

I am trying to cherish my time with him so much lately. I know that in just a few more months I will be a little more, um, distracted and so I am just trying to soak all of him in. He is just the SWEETEST and I pray that he never feels left out in the shuffle of our crazy house.

And yes, his eyes are that big in real life. So cute!!

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