Sunday, August 16, 2009


Before his first haircut!

And after! (It wasn't my best haircut ever, but it was sufficient :)

Brody is 9 months old now! (sorry I'm a little late on was August 3rd). I call him peanut, but that's really not the most accurate description because he's a big guy!

At his appointment he was 20 lbs. 14 oz. (50%) and 30 inches long (95%)! He's taller than the other boys were at this point, but weighs more than Joel did and less than Jesse did. That seems hard for me to believe though because Jesse always (and still does) seemed so skinny to me. Brody looks more stocky, kind of how Joel has always looked. It funny to see the similar and unique characteristics of all of them.

Brody is crawling all over (started about 6 weeks ago), exploring more, saying mama and dada, and is pulling up! I went in to get him from his crib last week and he was just standing there, waiting for me :). He is very proud of his new mobility and independence.

And I have to say that he is just the SWEETEST, content baby. He only cries when he is tired or hungry and will just spend hours crawling around and entertaining himself. He is easy to take places, likes the car, and give us huge smiles. He really is very low-maintenance, which is a nice break from the other two! If I could change just one tiny thing about him would be to help him be a better sleep--he's not bad--just not great. But, I'm not complaining because we feel so blessed to call him ours!!

And this sweet babe has no idea that in just about six months he will also become a big brother! I'm sure he'll be great.

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