Thursday, April 22, 2010


I'm not sure why the boys were standing so far away from me in the pictures with just me and them...I tried to get them to come closer, but as you can tell by the "action shots" of Jesse and Brody during the actual Easter egg hunt, they were very serious about their hunting and couldn't pull away for just one second to take a picture. This was even after I assured them multiple times that ALL of the eggs had been found. :)

Easter was a really wonderful day! We had an amazing worship service at church and then over to some dear friends parent's house for lunch and it was so good! The bigger boys (we call them the "J's") played with two little girls there and were most content--I even heard Joel and Jesse say to the hostess, "This food sure is delicious" and "I really like this lunch!". And the little ones (we call them the "B's") both slept almost the entire time. We actually sat at the dining room table for 2+ hours and had real grown-up conversation without breaking up one fight or changing one diaper!

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