Friday, June 12, 2009

Of course He does.

We live in a culture where we appear to have a lot of power. We can manipulate things and cajole people and work our way around pretty much anything.

Antibiotics for illness.

Fast food for hunger.

Sleeping pills for insomina.

DVR to get rid of commercials.

Quick lube for oil changes.

Call ahead seating to avoid waiting at restaurants.

Fastpass at Disneyland.

Direct deposit of our paychecks.

You get the picture. These things are all fine, but they make it hard to see that really we aren't so as in control as we think. And I have felt that as I waited for Joel's medicaid application to process--there was nothing I could do to speed it along and I fully expected to wait the full 90 days that they are allowed to take.

But, alas, of course there IS something I can do. And truly, it's the most powerful, only important thing that matter. I can pray. And pray, I did. I prayed for speedy processing and efficient employees and mostly that God would just go before that application and move it along some sort of supernatural way.

And He did.

Our caseworker was here yesterday to finalize all of the details and set up our therapy times for Joel and she said to me, "I don't understand at all how this was processed so quickly. I have NEVER seen it happen that quickly. In fact, there is another little boy that she is working with who applied well before Joel and still hasn't heard anything back."

I told here that I prayed, a lot. And she said, "Well whoever you prayed for, it certainly worked!"

And we know who the one, true miracle worker is.

So I just wanted to share a modern day miracle and encourage us to remember, respect, laud, admire, and share the love and power of God. Because despite and in spite of all of our modern day trappings, he is still God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We should never doubt God's provision!

Love, Mom