Tuesday, April 7, 2009


We are all feeling almost 100% better (except I am still trying to catch up on sleep and Brody is "relearning" how to sleep through the night).


Jesse was building a tower of blocks yesterday and said, "Look Mommy! I'm building a tower for my Daddy!" To which Joel replied, "What Daddy?"

Sheesh...I know he's been really busy and at work a lot lately, but that's a little over the top don't you think?

(Side note: Jesse has been obsessed with hats and hoods ever since he was old enough to communicate that he wanted to wear one. See this old post on it here. Anyway, he wears a hood almost every day and I forget it's weird until someone makes a comment.)


Joel had "Beary Special Day" at preschool today. We made a poster "together" and he took it to school to show his friends. It was pretty much one of those school assignments where it is a great bonding experience for parent and child to create a work of art together, that expressively reflects the unique character of the child.

Or something like that.

What it ended up being was me laboring for 2 hours to find just the right pictures while trying to keep Joel, Jesse, and Brody from eating/stepping on/destroying it. I can't wait when they all get to the age where we have to do even more school projects, especially things for the science fair (note my sarcasm). I think I'm going to make an executive decision to delegate those projects to Daddy...if we have one by then, according to Joel.


The boys and I have been talking about rhyming words lately. I point out things and ask them to come up with words that rhyme. Mostly, they just removed the first letter from the word I gave them--like with "cat", they'll just say, "at rhymes with cat!".

So last night Joel said to me, "Mommy, my blankie (their blankies are there best friends and they talk--this is not unusual) told me what rhymes with castle... astle rhymes with castle". This doesn't look so funny when I write it out but you say the word "astle" and see what it sounds like to you. I wish Zac would have been home to hear that. Joel thought I was laughing at his brilliance, and I didn't enlighten him. I promise, he has never heard that word at home :).

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