Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I'm back's been a little blog vacation for me. This is due in part to a real vacation that we took. Zac and I just got back from Tennessee and Alabama where we combined some business for him with a little bit of relaxation and visiting of family.

We had a great time and really enjoyed meeting lots of new people, having great discussions, eating yummy food (lots of it), and getting a break from the regular routine of life. The boys stayed here with my parents and they did great! It was the longest we have ever left them (and probably will be for awhile now with the new baby coming) but we knew they were in capable hands. My mom had them going non-stop so I don't really think they had time to miss us.

We are getting back to our regular stuff now and I can't believe that it's almost August! I had my six month doctor's appt today, along with a repeat ultrasound. Our little dude was so busy moving around last time that the technician wasn't able to see everything that she needed to. All is well and he cooperated much better today! I even took the boys with me and they were very well-behaved. Joel had a slight mishap and fell of a stool--poor guy, I couldn't be much comfort to him lying on a table with ultrasound goo all over me--but later he got to hold the sonar thing on my belly so he felt like he was taking a picture of the baby all by himself.

We capped the day off with some swimming at the pool. Joel is turning into a little fish and it's fun to see him get more comfortable in the water. Jesse prefers to hang out next to the pool and his idea of swimming is me carrying him around in shallow water--he's funny. I am really trying to enjoy my time with just these two little boys before things change again. We are at a good place right now in terms of being able to be really flexible and spontaneous and do lots of different things so we are trying to take advantage of it!

I didn't really take any pics on our trip--I'll have to get some other newer ones up soon.

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