Monday, January 26, 2009


I'm not really a big fan of stereotypes, but as I was doing the dishes today and overhearing Joel and Jesse play, I just had to laugh and thought of this post.

You know you are a PK (pastor's kid) when:

1. One of Joel's all-time favorite songs is "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing".

2. Jesse requests that we say the Shema ("Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one....") every night before bed.

3. Joel popped his head into the sanctuary the other day when it was dark and empty and said, "Oh, Jesus must be at a meeting."

4. Instead of playing cops and robbers or cowboys and indians, they pretend to go to Bible study. They each carry a stack of Bibles and then sit down and look at them in a designated location. In fact, every book that is an adult book (small font, lots of pages, and no pictures) they call a Bible.

5. Joel and Jesse end every prayer with the phrase, "and thank you most of all for Jesus".

6. We were at the store the other day and Joel did something naughty so I gave him a quiet reprimand, to which he loudly responded, "Mommy, Jesus needs to come in and clean my dirty heart!" I got a few strange looks :).

Oh, I am so thankful for these precious hearts. And I am thankful that we don't just "go to church" but that the gift of Jesus Christ is a part of their daily lives. May they never become jaded or cynical, but truly seek to know more and more what it means to have Him as their Savior. I pray that Zac and I can always be a humble example to them--through our giftings and faults--showing them our need to always give and receive grace.

Sweet boys.

1 comment:

The Stroples said...

Super cute, Ab. You have some wonderful, creative and funny boys.